Ignore This

Ahh, I apologize if I did offend anybody with this post. I felt it was all in good fun and that they had a good time watching me play. As a person who loves to draw and paint on occasion myself, I love art and find all forms of it beautiful. My parents on the other hand, they can be very different aha.

I just thought the reactions from my family were interesting since I know how they are and with them seeing the Gallant Statue, knew it would be a shock to them as it was something they just wouldn't expect in a game that looks with how it does, with it being very cute in style and of course, an old school game I've played since I was a kid so they have an image painted already of expectations and wouldn't hsve expected Nintendo to dive so deeply into maturity. Overall, again, I apologize if their behavior wasn't appropriate to the reaction of something that is once more, very natural and beautiful.

I feel bad posting this now...

Don't feel bad, I get what your post was about. (My initial comment only answered the esrb question and respond to other posts that mention it getting censored or removed in future games.)

It's honestly most people reactions that don't play the game or are familiar with art in general. They don't expect a realistic human showing off the goods in a goofy animal game and I don't blame them. I've had that reaction as a kid and again when I saw David in NL (I just found it funny how the player is eye level to his jewels, so it just looked like they were directly staring at it like "đź‘€" ). There's no harm in a little immaturity like that once in a while. :)
Don't feel bad about posting! It made me chuckle and I thought a rather interesting discussion was coming from it.

Frankly, it's crossed my mind from time to time that it seems odd Nintendo has kept these items and kept them very... accurate. I mean, they removed gambling from Pokemon games because of complaints, and I'm sure these works of art have generated complaints, too! Some people are just uptight. But it seems Nintendo is willing to take the chance of offending some people in this case, which is interesting.