I'm a hobo D:

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Let's try not to post almost nothing, have something to the post please.
Ok, for starters I was tiered that day so I'm sorry if my grammar was bad. I mean come on who cares! Your not my teacher! But anyway just close this thread. If you want me to make a bad grammar thread then yeah, I will. But I doubt anyone will want a thread like that so END THIS THREAD!
i'd much rather have a thread to improve your grammar and spelling.
Ok, for starters I was tiered that day so I'm sorry if my grammar was bad. I mean come on who cares! Your not my teacher! But anyway just close this thread. If you want me to make a bad grammar thread then yeah, I will. But I doubt anyone will want a thread like that so END THIS THREAD!

Ikr? Seriously. Get real people, i think that's his English teacher's job to correct grammar. And this thread is pointless now that people are correcting people's grammar. And i hope no one will correct me in this thread. -_-
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