I got the simple, everybody knows it town rules.
-Please don't kill my flowers
-Please don't run on places that aren't natural paths
-If it's a natural path (outlined by flowers) please run on it lmao
-Feel free to take any fruit, I'd appreciate getting any I don't have!
I have pears, durians, mangos, and lychees!
So yeah.....
FC is 4914-8838-6148 and name is Dimi!
-Please don't kill my flowers
-Please don't run on places that aren't natural paths
-If it's a natural path (outlined by flowers) please run on it lmao
-Feel free to take any fruit, I'd appreciate getting any I don't have!
I have pears, durians, mangos, and lychees!
So yeah.....
FC is 4914-8838-6148 and name is Dimi!