I’m burnt out.


City Folk Fossil
Dec 26, 2020
Hi. I just thought I would make this thread to talk about how I’m finding New Horizons almost a year later.
I have always been a very big resetter when it comes to games and animal crossing is no exception however when it comes to New Horizons, it’s on another level. I loved the game more than anything in the world when it came out but overtime I started to reset it. This continued to become a more frequent thing to the point where basically I ended up not having an island more than I actually had one. It’s now January and I haven’t had an island that has lasted longer than 3 weeks and I have no motivation to make one because I’m tired of starting it up and knowing that it’s just going to get deleted again.
I feel anxious because I remember my love for the game when I first got it and now I feel like I’ll never be able to enjoy playing it again. This game series means a lot to me and the thought that I have ruined it for myself makes me angry with myself to be honest. I wish I could travel back to March to feel the way I did because I want to have a nice island and stuff but every time I try to open the game I feel a huge sense of anxiety in my chest.
I honestly think that I have ruined this for myself and I regret it a lot.
Well, I understand what you mean. And I love the thrill of discovering a new island, recruiting a new stable of villagers, I enjoy playing the urban planner who has to place down house ahead of the day where I unlock paths, laying out streets, etc. But once that is done, I only usually enjoy my town for 3 months before I reset. By that time, I know my island by heart, the paths I take everyday. There is a routine that settles in.

But then I restart, and even though I really like new beginnings, I miss all the furniture, and DIY I unlocked earlier. I miss the villagers I once had as neighbours, and whom have not followed me on my new adventure.

Every time I restart, I tell myself it's the very last time I do so. Because there really is no point : restarting takes tens of hours to get back up to snuff, and you will never get to unlock seasonal DIY or items - and use them - if you keep on resetting. I hope this island I started back in late November will last for a long time. I hope I don't get the urge to reset, and start it all over once again.

The bottom line is : resetting is OK, but it should only be a once-a-year kind of deal. More than that, and it's pointless. I envy my friends who still have the same town they started with when the game released in March.
I know how it feels to be burned out and I get there are times we are upset with our islands and we want to make it great but doesn't turn out the way we wanted it to. I remember restarting back in April 2020 when I hated the way my Resident Services was placed so I restarted and got a new location and I felt happy with it after so much long months of terraforming by October 2020 I got my island where I wanted it to be.

The thing I learned is that its best not to compare your island to others. You make whatever stands out to you that makes you feel happy. Animal Crossing is not suppose to be a competition to see who has the best island. I know people get jealous when they see all these amazing islands others made and they feel pressured to make their islands great but they end up restarting and causes them to get burned out.

My point is you probably should take a break from the game since it sounds like you've really burned yourself out. I would come back with a refresh mindset and I would go in with a open mind and just tell yourself "I will make my island the way I feel makes me feel happy" I know its stressful trust me I've been there before, but you should always remember everyone has their own unique way of making their island and that this something I learned myself.
I did this to myself with Enter the Gungeon, just constantly resetting until I get a "good" run. But then I wouldn't try as hard to not die so the game became less and less fun.
Maybe try playing another game for a while so you can come back to this one fresh later. Or you could wait until a big update and pick the game up then?
Not trying to be judgemental, just trying to help, but why do you keep resetting it? What are you afraid of will happen?
It’s always a very quick decision I make. I mostly feel afraid that I haven’t been playing the game “correctly” (ik there isn’t a correct way to play but I always seem to convince myself in my head that I have done something wrong) and it makes me just want to start everyone over again to stop thinking that way.
It’s always a very quick decision I make. I mostly feel afraid that I haven’t been playing the game “correctly” (ik there isn’t a correct way to play but I always seem to convince myself in my head that I have done something wrong) and it makes me just want to start everyone over again to stop thinking that way.
I know it feels like you have to redo everything, but here's the thing. You don't really need to restart. You can just change portions of your island that you feel isn't working. If there are things that makes you smile you can leave them how they are but if its not the way you think it is I would change that portion instead of just restarting everything. I did that myself and I learned the hard way after restarting everything you had like your villagers, bells, nook miles, things you cataloged are gone.
Animal Crossing has always had about a years lifespan for me, thats usually around when there's nothing left for me to do or collect.
honestly I would recommend completely stepping away from the game for an extended period of time. you don't necessarily have to put a timestamp on it, but maybe have a minimum amount of time where you don't play at all, don't even think about starting to find a new island. after a certain amount of time has passed you could then start considering if you're ready to pick the game back up, and take it very gently, just playing as and when you feel like it and not putting any kind of expectation on yourself. and maybe when you do that have a minimum amount of time you have to keep your island for without resetting it. you may find that after taking some time away and releasing any expectations to have the 'perfect' island, you're far more interested in the game and have a renewed passion for it.
I was such a huge resetter in NL (I reached the point you're at now) so this time around with NH I've set goals and so far I haven't reset (came close though)
Today I started to rebuild my island for the first time. Not resetting, just changing some parts of the island. I've been wanting to do this for a while, cause I felt like my island wasn't rural enough. But I always gave up on the idea of terraforming again because it takes a lot of time and work.

So, I'm almost completing my critterpedia (completed the fish section yesterday and I'm 7 critter short of completing everything). Unless they add a lot of things in a future update, there won't be a lot of things to do so I thought it would be a good time to finally take my shovel and work on the island.

In almost two hours, I had a lot of fun, even though I know it will be a long process (especially because I'll need to move a few houses, demolish a bridge, making a ladder...).

I've accepted that my island will be a mess for a few weeks, maybe even a month. But it's part of the process. There won't be any big event in the coming months unless they add something new - I don't think Festivale will be that big of an event - so it's ok.

I have almost 600 hours in the game, and I just want to see more updates to keep me invested in NH. My only "fear" is that, after I finish my work on the island and complete the critterpedia, the only thing left to do will be getting the remaining photos (I have 5 at the moment, but of them is from a villager that isn't on the island anymore, so I still need 6 photos), and if I really want to squeeze everything out from the game, I could try to complete my catalog...

I hope you can have some fun with the game again. I would echo the advice given by @JellyBeans: take some time and play something else. From what you've said, the problem clearly isn't the game, but how you're playing it.
Maybe it would help to not reset. The beginning of the game is so monotonous and slow, it may be the reason you're burned out. Plus losing all progress can be a motivational killer. I recommend just trying to stick with one save, and set some goals. Like finish some of the museum. And maybe focus on a little terraforming week by week. If needed.
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It’s always a very quick decision I make. I mostly feel afraid that I haven’t been playing the game “correctly” (ik there isn’t a correct way to play but I always seem to convince myself in my head that I have done something wrong) and it makes me just want to start everyone over again to stop thinking that way.

Ah I see, I feel so sorry for you that you feel thay way! Mostly because I feel like AC is one of the most relaxed and forgiving games out there. Every new day in your town is literally a new day. I really hope you'll try and refind your vibe with the game 😘
i'll will throw my 2 cents opinion in here and agree with the others telling you to perhaps take a break. it sounds like you're super hyperfocused on ac and overthinking it due to your anxiety, so it'll probably be nice to play something else for a bit! also, seeing as how you feel as though you play the game "incorrectly," maybe you should also take a break from reading threads about the game and subconsciously imbedding ideas that you're doing it wrong.

when you come back to ac, maybe try to resist the urge to reset and just pop in and see what's goin on, or experience an event that's going on so you worry less about your island design. i feel like the more you play on one island, the more things you'll discover about it or about your villagers that you enjoy. i feel as though perhaps you're missing out on the things you enjoyed in the beginning of the game - talking to your villagers, giving them fruit, your daily bottle, decorating, seeing how your town progresses past the tent.

i really hope that you can find your love for the game again since it's so special to you. i'm sure that you can get it back, and i hope that you don't beat yourself up too much about it <3
i'll will throw my 2 cents opinion in here and agree with the others telling you to perhaps take a break. it sounds like you're super hyperfocused on ac and overthinking it due to your anxiety, so it'll probably be nice to play something else for a bit! also, seeing as how you feel as though you play the game "incorrectly," maybe you should also take a break from reading threads about the game and subconsciously imbedding ideas that you're doing it wrong.

To add on to this, might I suggest the subreddit r/crappyanimalcrossing

I love that one because people are just showing of their mess of an island and posting fun screenshots and videos instead of those picture perfectly decorated islands that you often see. It always helps me realize I'm not alone and to remind me to just have fun with the game :)
Only thing keeping me going, is that I need a few more sea creatures that won't appear for the next couple months. Three to be exact. I need a lobster, which I can catch right now (and am trying to)...and then I need a firefly squid and spider crab in March. I also need a lot of the art from Redd...and the little seasonal updates have kept me interested to a point. Things are getting rough, though. I definitely don't play for more than 15 or 20 mins at a time anymore.
I feel ya. Unless you truly started last March you won't have that connection, but if you need that connection you're already expecting too much from the game. The beginning of the game is so boring, but it's boring because it forces you to do stuff which is just weird. I'd recommend any resetter to not replay more than 2-3 months, after that you just start to hate your island. And day-by-day might just bore you off completely.
I guess my main advice I think based on how it sounds is a break would probably be good for you. Maybe take 2-3 weeks, if you feel okay, open up your island or start one (not sure if you've already deleted or still have one made)...and just try to play. Maybe make a list of things you enjoy out of the game and set goals.
If and when you find an urge to delete, take another step away from the game (2 weeks) and come back when you have a fresh point of view to keep building on what you have.

Of course, you also may take a break and maybe find other games that are just doing more for you rn or other hobbies....that's okay. The great thing about animal crossing (other than weeds and flowers that spawn like zombies) is it'll always be there when you come back.
Look into other hobbies and games while you take breaks because there may be something out there that gives you what you just currently can't get out of NH. We all have those times no matter how much we love a series.
I’ve only just started this iteration of Animal Crossing... but I’ve played The Sims 4 for a very long time. I have over 2,000 hours clocked into the game. It goes in cycles though.

i start a town, get all my houses set down, build a few new structures, replace some starting families, get my mods tweaked just right, and then start to play all the time. 3 generations. I NEVER make it past 3 generations. And the amount of times i just give up on the family I’m playing and make a new one in the town is absurd.

The key is to let yourself be burnt out without guilt. It’s ok! Do something else for a while. Get absorbed in a different game. Experience that excitement elsewhere and then come back.

As for my personal opinion of resetting...
i don’t think it’s worth it. You lose so much. I recently decided i hate my island. I thought about resetting, but i just couldn’t justify the cost. I came up with a plan, did some time traveling to move all my houses and buildings into a corner and then tore down everything. Then with a fresh canvas, i started building and now i really like my island. Will i like it forever? Probably not! But I’m glad i still have my villagers and the things i unlocked. I truly feel that resetting is the worst thing you can do in a game that is centered around building relationships. You can always get new villagers if they don’t do it for you anymore.

But seriously... go full on Kondo on your island every once in a while. It’s good for you. 💕
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I think the advice to take a break is absolutely correct. I have felt burnt out in NH and it has taken a while to find inspiration. I am hopeless at terraforming so it has never been an option to tear down my island. I think for me I just do small areas at a time. I have had an island totally over run with flowers and have just found the focus to clear the area. It looked scary so I left it for a while. I eventually played around and I am quite happy with a little beach bar.

In previous incarnations of AC I kept redoing islands purely because I was bored with the game or the villagers. In NH I don’t feel the need as you can change your town, trade for furniture options and either go island hopping for villagers or trade for your dreamies. So many exciting options 😊