I'm done with Animal Crossing.


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2008
Yup. I'm done with Animal Crossing. Don't ask why, I'm not explaining. I'm holding a giveaway. It's not any giveaway. You gotta prove you're worthy. The thing's I am giving away:

Over 1 Million Bells
Almost all of the Mario Items. (Including some doubles)
Some other crap

Well, post away, and I will determine if you are worthy.
Joe said:
Can I have 1million bells ^_^
I have a fountain,nookingtons,the final house upgrade and all the fruit.Can i please have at least 900k? I also have some of the gold items.
Don't need any of it, I just don't understand why your giving up on it, whatever, it's your decision not mine.
I need some money, Because I still only have nooks cranney, 2nd house upgrade. xD
I am ddedicated to AC:CF and I won't quit so your bells will not be wasted. I will use it to complete my last house upgrade and improve my town with a fountain and I'm trying to get a lighthouse. Actually I'll take anything because I would be really grateful!
Hey JOM can i have some stuff please! Please reply.. Thanks
Hey JOM can i have some stuff please! Please reply.. Thanks
JOM most likely isn't going to give it to people who beg, don't get me the wrong way either I seriously don't need it right now.