I'm kinda bored, anyone wanna play? :D


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2009
:p Does anyone feel like letting me visit their town? >w< I did most of the daily things in my town, and I never went online before :3 You can visit here as well, if you want, but my town isn't really interesting at the moment (I haven't had the game for a long time) so...

Maybe do some fruit collecting as well? I have some peaches ^_^ And I'm in GMT+1, if that matters :)

Bai! Post if you feel like it =D
Sorry for the late reaction :3 -was caught up in a manga D:-
I'll add you, if you're on it's okay, and if not... well, we could always visit later! =D

-points at profile thingy-

You can add me if you want =D I can't get online right now, though >o< somewhere this evening maybe (it's 6 pm over here now)
Oki, I can come online at any time now :3 Anyone wanna play? I'd love to visit other places as well =D I can provide peaches!
Sure :D I'll throw open my gates in a moment. If you have fruit other than pears and peaches, could I have some please? ^_^
ok, um give me like 20 minutes, but leave gate open, i'll probably be der sooner