I joined these forums a long while ago, and for the life of me I couldn't remember my password to log back in :/ (I no longer use the email I registered with, so I can't reclaim it)
So, the best thing I could do was make a new account (I wasn't very active, so I didn't loose much)
I appologize if this is against the rules, but I wanted to start visiting this site again
Hey there, Tails. No need to worry about that, happens to a lot of people. (And tbh, i doubt half of them actually forgot their passwords, and just decided to make entirely new accounts.)
At any rate, welcome aboard, Hope you enjoy yourself here.
imo, admitting you're using a dupe account takes away all of the purposes of.. y'know.. making one. faking who you are, using both of them for spam/bells/stuff
Don't worry; the same happened to me. My old email was deleted (it was the one I used when I signed up in '07), so I couldn't reclaim my password. It's no big deal, though. As long as you don't make tons of accounts.