I'm new (In a way)


May 7, 2011
Hello :)
I joined these forums a long while ago, and for the life of me I couldn't remember my password to log back in :/ (I no longer use the email I registered with, so I can't reclaim it)
So, the best thing I could do was make a new account (I wasn't very active, so I didn't loose much)
I appologize if this is against the rules, but I wanted to start visiting this site again :)
Hey, I'm Brad. I might remember you. what was your old name?
Turbo Tails, not to different from the name I picked this time :p
I only had like 50 posts, and I joined over a year ago :p
But nice to meed you :)
Hey there, Tails. No need to worry about that, happens to a lot of people. (And tbh, i doubt half of them actually forgot their passwords, and just decided to make entirely new accounts.)

At any rate, welcome aboard, Hope you enjoy yourself here.
Thanks, I'm glad this forum's so lenient. :)
Other places I've been to would boot me the instant I admit I'm a duplicate :p
imo, admitting you're using a dupe account takes away all of the purposes of.. y'know.. making one. faking who you are, using both of them for spam/bells/stuff

just glad you came back, i s'pose. :)
Don't worry; the same happened to me. My old email was deleted (it was the one I used when I signed up in '07), so I couldn't reclaim my password. It's no big deal, though. As long as you don't make tons of accounts.