I'm new!


Deleted User

Hey everyone! I found this community through someone's sig on Nsider and I'm really glad! This place seems to be fairly active, and my old AC community was discontinued, sadly.

:( I'd love to play with some people a little later though! Drop your friend code and we can get together as soon as possible!

I'll post mine later. I don't have my DS right now...

nice to meet u.

B) Just be nice and don't ruin my town ever, but i'll give u my FC some other time cause i don't have my ds either. lol
Welcome to TBT. I hope you enjoy it here and become active. Micah in Anmltown FC:0902-5859-8338
Hi, and welcome to TBT I'd like to come to your town or you can come to my town, but.....I don't have my DS next to me so I don't know my FC right now...I'll give it to ya later. :jay:
This should be the HQ or off topic, i forgot what one they wanted it in now. But welcome
It's fine because it also has to do with ACWW.