I'm too lazy to _____. Could you do it for me?


Lord Kikuchiyo FTW
Mar 31, 2013
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Just as the title says, but just keep it appropriate.

P1: I'm too lazy to (insert random action here). Could you do it for me?
P2: (Insert response here.)
I'm too lazy to (insert random action here). Could you do it for me?

Let's start!

I'm too lazy to type. Could you do it for me?
*makes a sardine and wasabi sandwich* here ya go!:)

I'm too lazy to make a cup of coffee. Could you do it for me?
Sure! *makes least favorite kind* Here you go.

I'm too lazy to buy a new Windows laptop. Could you do it for me?
Yes (feeds a ton of McDonalds)

I'm too lazy to do homework. Can you (correctly without damaging and giving it to me) do it?
Sure! *Draws inappropriate content all over borders of page*

I'm too lazy to mix my cocktail. Could you do it for me?
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Sure! *inserts poison*
I'm too lazy to eat. Can you do it for me? (Yes, you may eat the food. Just don't vomit.)
Of course! *Kicks you out of your house and takes over your bedroom*

I'm too lazy to clean my room. Could you do it for me?
*sings lullaby, then gives a ton of Chesto Berries*
I'm too lazy to play the flute. Can you do it for me?
@Lynn105: Of course! *Cleans room perfectly, but throws everything out the window, into a wheelbarrow, than wheels the whellbarrow off"

@FireNinja1: Ooh! I love playing the flute (I am the only male within a ten foot radius in Band). *Puts together flute, plays the Harry Potter Theme Song off of memory, then steals and finally melts the flute for extra money*
I know that feeling. Jokes on you, the flute I have has something on it (presumably mold) and I play the trumpet. Ha.

I'm to lazy to corrupt my own ACNL game. Can you do it for me? (=P)
I'm too lazy to think. Could you do it for me?
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@FireNinja1: Well, technically, it is a somewhat win-win situation. I get money, you lose a moldy flute.

@Rin: How do you live without thinking? Even when you sleep you are constantly thinking.
@Blu Rose - You need a sentence that goes "I'm too lazy to _____, could you do ____ for me?"

I'm too lazy to put my hand down. Could you do it for me?
Naw sorry you'll need some tape...

I'm too lazy to get up and use the bathroom, can someone go for me?
Sure. *leaves a mess everywhere in bathroom*

I'm too lazy to take my meds. Could you do it for me?
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