Like a sailor. I try not to when in public but I can't always control myself, I swear when I drop something or bump into something. or walk in cat's vomit or poop, or something bad happen, like when someone stole my credit card (still mad) , stuff like that. I don't swear at people...usually.... but I did swear at a man who crashed his bike into mine at a stop and then yelled at me for stopping. That man got arrested a few second later for something else...I kinda stopped him while he was fleeing lol.
Honestly, so long as I’m in a casual setting where it’s not explicitly frowned upon, I swear really liberally. I’m generally pretty good at biting my tongue where needed, though.
I used to somewhat often but nowadays I'm either at work or at home. I obviously can't swear at work and at home I usually communicate with my mom (only other person I live with) in Japanese and when I speak in English I obviously won't swear around her.
I do. I don't try to typically but generally if something annoys me enough I'll slip some. My biggest triggers are driving lol (not at the bad drivers directly but while talking to myself while driving)...and then, again, if something upsets me enough which isn't too often.
I try to be better though since I have kiddos now to not let it slip around them. I don't personally mind others cursing unless if it's every other word every conversation then I find it a bit annoying.
i do allllll the time. i don't care in the slightest if other people swear, it's not my business unless they're swearing at me directly, but even that i've grown accustomed to after 12 years in retail/food service jobs lol. imo as long as it's not a slur, it's just words that don't really mean anything.