Impossible dream layouts


I'd really like to do this - but the sheep plush date is all wrong :C But dreamy bear + pastel disco egg is a match made in heaven! Will always pair the two together I think.
oops pardon me, wrong window
Bringing this back because I've been interested in the balloons lately 🥰 I don't know enough about their release dates to know if this particular order is achievable but I love it 💕

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I like how some of the balloon colours sort of match the plushies and it looks like they're all floating on top of the balloons!! 🥰🎈
on a technical level, I believe this should be possible

however, on a practical level, I'm just gonna say 'no' to that one
I'm too dumb to wrap my head around collectible dates. I've been staring at this for a long time and can't really decide whether it would be possible or not. I think if there was a Dino plush from before August 21st, it would work (I can't trade the birthstone, it needs to keep the specific date). Anyways I'll just drop this here for future reference.

Dino Plush
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Dino Plush
Swamp Potion

Dreamy Easter Egg
Poptart Easter Egg
October Birthstone (Opal)
Sakura Easter Egg
Yoshi Easter Egg
Probably don't know my dates and the dates that make them go in the correct place might not exist??
Your lineup ideas are really cool! Centering the villager collectibles definitely makes them shine in a lineup. I would definitely do that if only Ruby had a rerun (staff, villager rerun when? 😩)
Unfortunately, none of them are viable :c As an example, star frags only existed in one time frame (fair 2020) so they definitely come later than majority of the other collectibles, and as far as I know no other villager can position in between star frags other than Vesta as she was sold in the middle of fair 2020. The ice creams are also hella old and have never rerun since 2014 so they're usually pushed to the lower right side of the lineup.
Regardless, I'm glad you're enjoying making lineups!! They're sometimes a pain in the head, especially with knowing the dates, but the result can be absolutely rewarding! <3
Your lineup ideas are really cool! Centering the villager collectibles definitely makes them shine in a lineup. I would definitely do that if only Ruby had a rerun (staff, villager rerun when? 😩)
Unfortunately, none of them are viable :c As an example, star frags only existed in one time frame (fair 2020) so they definitely come later than majority of the other collectibles, and as far as I know no other villager can position in between star frags other than Vesta as she was sold in the middle of fair 2020. The ice creams are also hella old and have never rerun since 2014 so they're usually pushed to the lower right side of the lineup.
Regardless, I'm glad you're enjoying making lineups!! They're sometimes a pain in the head, especially with knowing the dates, but the result can be absolutely rewarding! <3
Hi Skar! Thank you so much for the heads up! I didn't know :) now I can save time by not trying to look for something that doesn't exist LOL
No problem I'll just alter them 😄
Hi Skar! Thank you so much for the heads up! I didn't know :) now I can save time by not trying to look for something that doesn't exist LOL
No problem I'll just alter them 😄
Of course! If you need any help w your lineups just lmk <3 I don't super memorize *all* the collectible dates but I'll try to help wherever I can :]

edit on the star frags (since I literally just remembered): some star frags did rerun just last christmas, but I don't remember Lobo or Ruby having been released in a time between two star frags ;w;
Of course! If you need any help w your lineups just lmk <3 I don't super memorize *all* the collectible dates but I'll try to help wherever I can :]

edit on the star frags (since I literally just remembered): some star frags did rerun just last christmas, but I don't remember Lobo or Ruby having been released in a time between two star frags ;w;
Really? You can help me out trying to figure out the placements? :D
Thank you so much that would be a huge help!
Ladybug Easter Egg


This one's currently impossible because of the dates on the mushrooms :(
it might be possible if its modified like this ⬇️ but it just doesn't have the same effect
Ladybug Easter Egg



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Hi I'm still trying to plan out dream lineups but I'm not very good because I don't know dates very well
I made some lineups can anyone tell me if you can actually do these lineups because of dates?
Screenshot 2022-06-20 145944.jpg
Screenshot 2022-06-20 151140.jpg

Also I tried making a lineup with some of my favorite collectiables and tried making it match, does anyone know if hypothetically I owned these collectiables where they would most likely go because of the dates?
I know red balloon, bee plush, star fragment are newer so they will probably align up top and popsicle and ice cream swirl are really old so they probably go on the bottom in the oldest spaces, but I don't know what dates pokeballs, sheep and mom's plushies, ruby and moonlight egg could be obtained on 😕
Screenshot 2022-06-20 152539.jpg

(They are in a random order for reference I wanted to see what happens if you tried to make a lineup with these collectiables)