Cycling in boxes: Maple + Tangy + Zell 🌱🌼🌲🍃

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Fauna was adopted.

Vesta and Lionel are still available. Kid Cat is in boxes.
Kid Cat was adopted.

Vesta and Lionel are still available. Julian is in boxes.
Vesta and Lionel were voided.

Julian is still available. Bob and Pietro are in boxes.
If you have 9 villagers, will talking to someone in boxes allow them to move in? I know 10 is the max but I'm not sure if there are only certain circumstances. If it works, I'd like Bob for 75 TBT
If you have 9 villagers, will talking to someone in boxes allow them to move in? I know 10 is the max but I'm not sure if there are only certain circumstances. If it works, I'd like Bob for 75 TBT
As long as you have no one else moving in or no house plot from a random move in. you can get Bob, It's only when you have ten villagers that no one can move in.
As long as you have no one else moving in or no house plot from a random move in. you can get Bob, It's only when you have ten villagers that no one can move in.

Thank you :)

If you'll take my offer, I'll be on tomorrow at around 4 EST (the time the website uses) if that isn't too late
Oh, sure. Just need a second to move in somebody I just got. Would you like me to pay before or after?
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