In New Leaf,City Folk,Wild World, Special Visitors and your Villagers visit the Roost at certain times. Do you think this is true to New Horizons


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2020
In New Leaf,City Folk,and Wild World, Special Visitors and your villagers visit the roost at certain times. Do you think this is true with New Horizons. If So, what time do Special Characters and Villagers visit the Roost like Copper and Booker,Don Resetti,Dr. Shrunk,The Able Sisters,Kicks,Blanca,and etc.
I'm not sure about specific times, however I have seen the special visitors such as Saharah, Daisy Mae, Celeste, K.K. Slider, Mable and Sable, Wisp and C.J. Villagers also are found in the roost occasionally.
In New Horizons there's also a new addition where a special character can walk in whilst you're drinking coffee, so that adds Isabelle, Tom Nook, Timmy/Tommy, Orville, Blathers, and Kapp'n.
I don't have Brewster yet. But in AC:NL it seemed to be random. And, I don't remember every seeing Tom Nook there. Do you rememeber seeing Saharah there?I feel like I only really saw Celeste and other villagers.
New horizons has a couple at random, but most are locked behind amiibo unfortunately. Would've been nice if we at least got past villagers to visit tbe cafe.
In New Leaf,City Folk,and Wild World, Special Visitors and your villagers visit the roost at certain times. Do you think this is true with New Horizons. If So, what time do Special Characters and Villagers visit the Roost like Copper and Booker,Don Resetti,Dr. Shrunk,The Able Sisters,Kicks,Blanca,and etc.
It’s random and limited to a really small few every once and a while and I don’t think that any characters that aren’t in NH will appear randomly like shrunk for example won’t appear randomly
I don't have Brewster yet. But in AC:NL it seemed to be random. And, I don't remember every seeing Tom Nook there. Do you rememeber seeing Saharah there?I feel like I only really saw Celeste and other villagers.
Celeste shows up a few hours she comes over to watch the stars, and Saharah can be seen after midnight. Same with the other wandering visitors including Wisp lol.
Tom Nook has a random chance of walking into the roost while you're drinking the coffee.
I think npcs are at certian times in ACNH but I'm not sure about villagers. The npcs you can often catch an hour before they are active or the hour after thier active. Like Celeste an hour before she roams the island. I've seen nook and Isabelle in the evening getting coffee.
Often about 2 pm, you can see one of the mole people.