Hopefully they will make a new AC for the wii soon, and add more stuff than they did in this game.
I hope not. I am not a fan of handhelds, I never take mine anywhere, and when I do I never really want or have a reason to play. And Tyler they will not make a new AC on the Wii or anytime soon, so you're out of luck on that.
Pyrate Yoster said:
I hope not. I am not a fan of handhelds, I never take mine anywhere, and when I do I never really want or have a reason to play. And Tyler they will not make a new AC on the Wii or anytime soon, so you're out of luck on that.
I know, im just saying that it would be nice if they did
SAMwich said:
I always thought an airport in AC would be cool.

But I want Kapp'n to use his boat!
The Airport would be the Online Hub.
There is no sence on have release a new one for the DSi because it uses the sames games of the DS lite, and that thing of "its three years apart like the rest" is so stupid.
Sorry to burst your bubble but the new Animal Crossing might be on the DSI yet it will have the same poor graphics as the Ds has. No new features tho! So that is a bummer but the dsi only takes pictures of what the camera sees outside of the game not inside so as many people will want to buy it it will be a big dissapointment. And in the year 2012 something new called the wii HDi will come out ( i Know my brother works in New York for the Nintendo Company) it has the power to save videos of gameplay right on something called a Video Sd. Yes how this seems impossible to belive yes but in 4 or 3 years youll thank me.
maybe the top screen you can talk to people and see them o_O......

but Nintendo is too lazy to do that XD