****ing Serena

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Junior Member
Sep 7, 2011
Chocolate Coins
Santa Tokens
This ***** is RIDICULOUS! This has to be the DUMBEST thing implemented in this game! I'm so sick of constantly resetting or time warping to try and get a ****ing Silver or Gold Axe. Just...AUGH. It's so dumb!

Does anyone have a Gold or Silver Axe that they'd be willing to let me clone? I'm so tired of putting up with this finicky luck based system.
Just get it the right way like everyone else. You'll get it eventually. Most of the enthusiastic AC players probably don't believe in cloning. And everyone else just doesn't care.

P.s. I don't even think that you're allowed to make threads like this about hacking. So watch it, broski.
1) I fail to see how a glitch in the system counts as "hacking". They are entirely different things.
2) I don't recall reading that in the official site rules.
3) If that is a rule, that's a dumb rule that should not be obeyed. The glitch exist. Hacks exist. To deny knowledge and discussion of such a glitch is deplorable and scummy. Let people discuss what they want. It's not illegal.
4) I would purchase the axe, and then clone it back for them, so they would not truly be losing it. I'd essentially be paying for their time.
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1) Hacking, glitching, whatever, You can't make threads about it.
2)See #1
3)I never said it was illegal. I just said it's not a good idea to talk about it on TBT unless you want to get banned/suspended.
4)Again, most AC fanatics don't like to give their stuff out for cloning, whether it's returned or not.
And why can't I make threads about it? Can I see the rule on that? And if it's true, care to explain the logic behind it (not necessarily you, but someone)? Rules should not be in place unless valid reasoning can be put in behind them.

And what I meant was, the discussion of it is not against any law, so why the hell should it be against the rules? There should be no restrictions on what can be discussed about a game on a gaming forum. That's insanity! It's wrong. To try and still the spread of knowledge is disgraceful and disgusting.
I know about the rule from previous experience. If you really need proof, ask anyone else here that's been around for a while.
I want to see the rule in it's written form. I did not see it when browsing the FAQ. If it is not in written form on your rules page, it cannot be even upheld in the slightest. How can you hold a member to a rule that is not truly a rule? Ludicrous!
Discussing hacks or hacking of any kind is not allowed. It's not written down anywhere because Jeremy (Admin) is lazy. But know that we do enforce the rule, and you should respect that. (But it shouldn't take a moderator to make you believe that. Our members are trustworthy) The reasoning behind the rule is that we want our users to play the game with others without worrying that their town is going to be hacked or if they just want to play the game by the rules.

Now that you know, I'll be closing this thread.
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