Pokémon Instinct, Mystic, or Valor?

Which Team will you choose?

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I'm team Instinct so I can screw over people in Mystic and Valor who mostly own the gyms in my area. Mwa ha ha! xD
this is about pokemon go right? i havent played it yet bu guess imma go with team mystic. mystic because i like articuno among the three legendary birds and the word mystic appeals to me more. But my personality kinda fits into team valor tho...hahaha idk
I joined team Mystic because my favorite is Articuno, but I feel lonely cause in my town everyone is Valor or Instinct.
I'm part of Team Instinct. Zapdos is my favorite of the three legendary birds and I found their message to me my favorite of the three teams.
I prefer the color red by far, but ended up going with Mystic. I joined Mystic because I identify with Mystic's values more, and my boyfriend already joined them and encouraged me to be the same team as him. If it weren't for him I'd probably would have gone with Red. But mainly just because I always picked the red pokemon games. (Red, ruby, etc.)
I don't have this game yet but I will this week once I have a new phone. My husband chose Mystic so I'm going that route too so we can team up.
I'm Team Valor. Red equated to Gryffindor for me, and, were this whole thing real, Candela's explanation would have been the most interesting / influential to me. The legendary birds had nothing to do with my choice, as I don't really like any of them...

Also, I'm getting really sick of the generalizations of the teams (as I am with everything). I'm in Valor and I could care less about the competitions and gyms. I just hate how these stereotypes have been placed on the teams and everyone believes them. I know it's just a game and everyone is in the spirit of things, but do we have to put others down to make our own teams better?
I choose team valor because Pokemon are stronger than humans

Also Candela's outfit is so cute even as a silhouette
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My brother choose instinct....

O_e he must be eliminated in the name of Mystic

Haha I'm kidding.

I don't like team harmony. It's a made up team of people who refuse to pick an actual team because "everyone is threatening people on opposing teams." Like...what?
valor for lyfe.

in reality, I joined because of peer pressure hhh
articuno is my favorite of the birds, but fire is my favorite element
was a tough choice but the valor crowd is fun so it's chill B)
Ah, Candela is so cute! Her outfit! But I also really like Blanche's look so I'm still happy I chose Mystic.