I just wanted to put together a group of smart people who actually talk about things worth talking about. We can go over to each others town and talk about intriguing topics, just like philosophers!
I almost forgot only 4 leaders (which will be the first three people who post on this topic and me) will travel to each others town and talk about subjects via Wii Speak or USB Keyboard. The rest will just be informed on what we were talking about that week. (We'll only travel to each others town once a week and we will agree on the time.)
Different people say different opinions about different people.
Oh and dont say im not smart just because i made a ngeative comment that proves nothing about intelligence.
Ok, this is like the 100th group that I have saw on here. I don't think anyone is wanting to join another group. Why would you need a group to go to each others town and talk about things? Sorry, but people can discuss things without being in a group.