OK, this is something that's been in my mind and floating around the staff board for some time now, and we agreed to announce it now. Basically, committees will be an organized "task force" for a specific part of TBT, both forums and site. I think this will work out pretty well and it will introduce something fresh into how TBT works. Also, this will hopefully help get things done, which has been a problem lately.
Each committee will have it's own purpose. For example, maybe one will plan events. Instead of having a few people work on general things here and there, this will have certain members focus on a certain part. This way, different parts of TBT are constructed in a more organized and more productive way.
Everybody will be able to apply to join a committee. However, to keep them from slowly dieing out, members may be kicked out if they fail to contribute. Also, people won't be promoted just because a job is needed. The member's ability for the particular job is more important. Each committee will also have a Committee Manager that will lead the group. Managers will meet with each other and discuss each area. Members will be able to be apart of more than one committee.
So you may be wondering why exactly someone would want to do this. First of all, this gives you a chance to help out TBT in your area of interest. Our current method is basically us saying we need help with something or someone coming to the staff, but this will give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the community on a normal basis. The committees also represent the elite group of members at TBT. You may know that Sage promotions have stopped, well this is something similar (although it is not a replacement for the Sage rank). Another thing is that it will give you experience in helping with TBT.
Here are some of the TBT Committees we may or may not have:
So what do you think?... Discuss this announcement here: http://forums.the-bell-tree.com/index.php?showtopic=17734
Each committee will have it's own purpose. For example, maybe one will plan events. Instead of having a few people work on general things here and there, this will have certain members focus on a certain part. This way, different parts of TBT are constructed in a more organized and more productive way.
Everybody will be able to apply to join a committee. However, to keep them from slowly dieing out, members may be kicked out if they fail to contribute. Also, people won't be promoted just because a job is needed. The member's ability for the particular job is more important. Each committee will also have a Committee Manager that will lead the group. Managers will meet with each other and discuss each area. Members will be able to be apart of more than one committee.
So you may be wondering why exactly someone would want to do this. First of all, this gives you a chance to help out TBT in your area of interest. Our current method is basically us saying we need help with something or someone coming to the staff, but this will give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the community on a normal basis. The committees also represent the elite group of members at TBT. You may know that Sage promotions have stopped, well this is something similar (although it is not a replacement for the Sage rank). Another thing is that it will give you experience in helping with TBT.
Here are some of the TBT Committees we may or may not have:
- TBT Events (For example, Tide, contests, multi-forum events, etc...)
- Organization, layout, graphics, and skins
- Promoting and advertising
- Active AC discussions (basically like the ACA)
- Site's AC content and AC guides
- Site's VG section and the GL
- Community
- New members
- RPs
- Bells
So what do you think?... Discuss this announcement here: http://forums.the-bell-tree.com/index.php?showtopic=17734