What were your favorite events this year?

What were your favorite TBT Events in 2024?

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1. TBT World Championships 2024- I had a blast with this event, no doubt. There were so many fun game sessions and competitive tournaments. I was sad I couldn't make top 3 in smash but I did not expect to make top 3 in Pokemon. I also had a lot of fun with my fellow ha-cha teamates, going over team names and colors, representing and just chilling with them. There were also great collectables in the end.

2. Return of the Haunted Carnival- Halloween events are always my favorite yearly events. Creature Failure is usually my favorite one. I always love to nab new spooky collectables, too. This year I got the crow plushie and kitty ice cream cone, both great new collectibles 👻🐦‍⬛
3. Mushroom Season- This event was pretty easy but fun. I liked a lot of the mushrooms that were made. I've gotten a full lineup from the event too.
I'm always down for Halloween events, it was nice having a wide range of collectibles. I liked that aspect for most of the events this year.
TBT Championship was definitely the most fun for me I think!! Met a lot of new friends and got to play with so many people too, not to mention the chaotic stream sessions and the daily challenges like shiny hunting and salmon run eggs :") There were soooo many things to look forward to! Even at work I had Jackbox sessions running in the background because I didn't wanna miss some of them.

Actually because of TBT Championship, I got back to Salmon Run and hit my year-end goal of getting EVP 999 on normal maps! Imagine I was barely scraping by at EVP200 at the start of the year and now I've drastically improved since. Thank you TBT for reviving my love for the game. c:

Another fave was Farewell to NL, I've never tried multiplayer games on ACNL back then because I had limited wifi access, but now that I can afford better wifi I'm so extremely happy I got to give it one last go with some friends c: Never knew Tortimer's island was so fun! I'm really nostalgic for ACNL and it will always have a special place in my heart. It was a really nice event to commemorate the game that got me on to TBT and helped me meet new people and make long-lasting friendships.
The Bell Tree Fair 2024
TBT fairs are my second favourite event after the egg hunts, and the birthday fair is by far my favourite and the most fun fair I've participated in! I love that all the collectibles from past fairs and their imposter counterparts made comebacks; it was so special seeing so many people's collectible dreams come true! I was even able to get a cyan heart wand for myself, which I thought would be impossible for pretty much most of the fair LOL, so that was a big collectible dream come true for me as well! 🥹

I had so much fun participating in the events and working on my entries; I especially loved Besting Blunders, Canvas Crossing, Confetti Collecting (gacha my beloved..), A Cordial Invitation, Party Prepping Station (I love scavenger hunts!!), and Party Popping Puzzles! Bonus shoutout to Villager Birthday Parties; that was such a cute idea for an event! I won my very first trophies for a story that means so much to me and a room design I'm still proud of, my very first fair animated collectible, and an IRL snow bunny plush from Laudine that I still smile at every day when I look at it! A couple of amazing friends included me in their Magnificent Memories entries and I received some phenomenal Canvas Crossing drawings from beautiful friends and artists, and my heart is still so happy and full! This past summer was the happiest I've felt in a long time, and TBTF 2024 will forever be so special to me!

12th Annual Easter Egg Hunt
The egg hunts can be stressful and they make me feel dumb a lot, but they're still a lot of fun to me and I love them! Last year's was my favourite I've participated in! I was secretly hoping that all the eggs would get a rerelease in honour of TBT's 20th birthday; I didn't think it would actually happen, though, so I was so surprised and happy that it did!! The aurora egg was one of my biggest dream collectibles and it felt unobtainable for so long, and I was finally able to get one thanks to last year's hunt!! Last year was also the closest I've ever been to winning the golden egg, which I think is cool! I usually struggle to find eggs at all, let alone find them first, so I'm still impressed that I found 3 eggs first!

Farewell to New Leaf
I wasn't able to participate in any of the New Leaf parts of this event since I haven't had New Leaf in years, but I still enjoyed this event a lot! Despite not being my first AC game, New Leaf is what really got me into the franchise and is the game that led me here to TBT, so this event was nostalgic and heartwarming in the best and most saddening ways. I loved seeing so many people playing New Leaf again and everyone's tributes to their towns and villagers. I also loved paying tribute to my own town. I just lost interest and stopped playing one day and eventually sold my copy without "saying goodbye", so this event was kind of my way of finally saying goodbye to my town that only exists in screenshots now. The 3DS servers shutting down still makes me unspeakably sad, but the love that went into this event was palpable and I really loved it.

Special mention to TBTWC 2024 for introducing me to Jackbox Games and Among Us and how fun both games are!!
I like the low effort events more even if I prefer the collectibles from events that require more participation. With so many events that needed a lot of spamming back to back it was exhausting
I wasn't able to participate in Earth Week, World Championships, or Celebrating Diversity, but from the events I participated in, my favorites were:

Farewell to New Leaf
I didn't find/join TBT until after New Horizons was released, so it was fun to be able to participate in an event based around New Leaf. In terms of collectibles, I liked the introduction of the Perfect Fruit and Island Fruit. The fact that we had to swap them with other users in order to get fruit other than our assigned ones, similar to how it is in the game, was a cool concept. I also enjoyed the Mystery Balloon Tokens, and it was nice to able to get a New Leaf Token.

The Bell Tree Fair
I always love the fairs, but this one was especially amazing because it allowed me to get two collectibles I've wanted since I joined: a Goomba and a Star Glow Wand! The fact that there were so many old collectibles available to choose from was great in general. I also liked the new gradient balloons, and the physical prizes are always nice. I opted to get the year of Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack. The events were really fun as well: Confetti Collecting, LAN Party, Pin the Tail on the Villager(although it caused me some pain at the time...), Colorful Confetti, Party Popping Puzzles, Wonderous Wardrobe... And, of course, Canvas Crossing. Canvas Crossing was super cute, and I hope there are more events like it in the future!

Mushroom Season
To start with, I love mushroom-themed things, so I was looking forward to this event from the moment I saw it on the list of upcoming 2024 events, and I wasn't disappointed. The chaos of all the different foraged mushrooms, the coordination of everyone working together to fill in the spreadsheet and figuring out which foraged mushrooms were safe and which were poisonous... It was really fun. And of course, I loved the collectibles for this event. The Plushrooms, new Famous Mushrooms and Mushroom Lamps, the return of old mushroom collectibles... 10/10. There could never be too many mushroom collectibles in my opinion.

And a couple honorable mentions:

Haunted Carnival
The event in general was good, but one thing in particular I enjoyed was the addition of more collectibles in the shop at the end of the event based on the tent we chose. And I know I said one thing, but I also really liked the Delicious Designs event that gave us a user-made collectible.

Easter Egg Hunt
I wasn't able to be as active as I wanted for this event, but I always love the Easter egg hunts, and it was nice to have the opportunity to get previously released eggs. I also liked that we had to choose which batch of eggs we wanted. It added an extra element into the mix.