Introducing the Monthly Birthstone series (Shop Collectibles)

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Hmmm interesting. Never particularly liked gems in-game, but perhaps collecting them on the forum will be different :D

Yay, my birthstone is diamond in April but I am still going to collect all of them.
This is very cool! Always love the shiny! And jewels are a girl's best friend. ;)
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I wasn't sure how to get it, but I knew how to get one and I got it. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hey, how come its not showing up in my items list?

Make sure you select the item as Active in your inventory.

Do you have a list of the birthstone month by month?

because if you're using real life birthstone, December has like three of them. D:

edit: and are they unlimited?

I believe we went with the most common one for each month. In December's case, Turquoise.

And yes, they're unlimited stock if you're asking that.
Poo! I have to wait for July to get my ruby. :( (At least I think the birthstone for July is Ruby.)
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I'll collect them all. Then I can say, "I was a 3 month member when these came out!" Never really enjoyed the Topaz being my birthstone, but I'll take it.
I'll collect them all. Then I can say, "I was a 3 month member when these came out!" Never really enjoyed the Topaz being my birthstone, but I'll take it.

My birthstone is aquamarine, it looks so pretty!!
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