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Inverness ๐ŸŒ™

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2020
Throwback Tickets
welcome to
a new southern hemisphere island


01. Introduction


Hi all, and welcome to another Island Journal. You may find this format familiar, since I recently set up a journal for my primary island, Muir Wood. This journal will follow a similar format for the first few posts, but is likely to have more exciting updates, since it was actually just started -- no upgraded Nook's, no Abel's, no KK Slider, and definitely no terraforming.

I'm playing this island on my boyfriend's Switch. Since I reset over his island (with permission!) to create this one, I'm keeping some ideas and themes from his island.

1. The island representative's name comes from him.
2. This will be a cat-only island.
3. This will be more urbanized than Muir Wood, with markets, neighborhoods, and proper streets.

With that said, please feel free to leave comments and follow along. We'd love to hear from you.
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02. Island Representative



A weird alter-ego for my primary island rep, Seelie. Never takes that fox mask off. A commendable, if confusing, commitment to looking dumb while diving in the ocean in a cute leaf wetsuit and a creepy mask.
03. Villagers


current villagers

bam | rosie | lolly | bob | phil


tangy | portia | katt | raymond | tom

Bam is my remaining starting villager. While I didn't expect much -- I was resetting for a nice Resident Services more than anything -- I actually like him. Like his uchi counterpart Tammy, he'll be leaving in due time to make room for more cats.

Rosie, Lolly, and Bob are my three starting house villagers. More on the absurd villager hunt I had later, but basically Lolly's a longtime favorite and Rosie and Bob are growing on me very quickly. I'll have to see if there's some way I can move them out and back in again to update their houses in the future, but otherwise they'll be staying put.

Phil is the forced campsite villager. Pretty alright, although seems perpetually kind of annoyed at me (it's those eyes, I swear). He'll be scooted along soon enough, but hey, it could've been worse!

Tangy is just a perfect lil tangerine cat and I'm very excited to have her. I think she and Rosie will get along fantastically.

Portia auto-filled a plot that I wasn't able to find a cat to fill in time. I actually like her a lot -- I even toyed with the idea of an all-dog island where she would've been the snooty -- but unfortunately she'll have to go in due time as well.

Katt showed up 333 tickets after Tangy. Honestly her weird little fanged face has grown on me a lot anyway, but man I have never been happier to see her than on that mystery island. She's definitely a permanent villager!

Raymond showed up only 17 tickets after Katt! I honestly can't express how happy I am that I was able to find him "naturally." I never really clicked with him when I had him on my first island, but I think that's kind of because I used the campsite method to get him and it felt a little too cheat-y. Welcome back, Raymond!

I totally cheated and amiiboed Tom in, but shhh. We're just happy to have his lil cranky blue self on the island.


past villagers



Tammy was my uchi starter, and the first to ask to leave the island. I kept confusing her head for a yellow balloon floating by, which was pretty awkward, but other than that, she was perfectly lovely.
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04. Island Map


october 1, 2020
Inverness Oct012020.jpg

This island also has a little heart shaped pond, which I swear wasn't intentional.

Again, I was mostly resetting to have Resident Services lined up to the airport. As of now I'm like 89% sure it is.

I also do really like that it's just very different than my starting island for Muir Wood, which had double south rivers, a higher and differently shaped peninsula, a more centered secret beach, etc.; I don't really know how I'm going to handle everything terraforming yet, but I'm pretty excited.

(Also things I'm excited for: a blue!! airport!!!)
october 17, 2020
(game days: oct. 1 to oct. 6)


My motivation for setting up this journal today is primarily to keep a record of the absolutely absurd villager hunt that I went on last night to find my starter peppy, normal, and lazy villagers. You can already see who we got from my signature and the villagers post above, but boy it was A Time.

We went through 60 tickets and the 1 free ticket provided by Tom Nook in order to find our three cats.

So 61 mystery islands total.


Rosie came first at ticket four (right after Lucky, too!).


Lolly didn't take too much longer at ticket eighteen. For this photo I decided to look slightly less like a murderer lurking behind bamboo.


Bob came last at ticket number sixty-one. At this point I was ready for death. Not because sixty-one is a crazy long hunt -- I've had longer hunts before -- but because the fact that the pool of available villagers was whittled down to only Lazy villagers meant that I got so many repeats. SO. MANY.

I'll include a full list under the spoiler, but the highlights:

Al the lazy gorilla, with six appearances.
Deli the lazy monkey, with four.
Drago the lazy alligator, with three.
Zucker the lazy octopus, with three.
Erik the lazy deer, with three (I love Erik with all my heart and it hurt every time I left him).

Honorable mentions to: Sherb, who dropped by twice; Stitches, who appeared twice as well; Simon, who appeared twice to add to my monkey / gorilla adventure; Skye, who appeared once and was precious and beautiful; and Filbert, who appeared once and was equally precious and beautiful.

  1. Egbert the Lazy Chicken
  2. Penelope the Peppy Mouse
  3. Lucky the Lazy Dog
  4. Rosie the Peppy Cat
  5. Al the Lazy Gorilla
  6. Simon the Lazy Monkey
  7. Deli the Lazy Monkey
  8. Al the Lazy Gorilla (x2)
  9. Dora the Normal Mouse
  10. Skye the Normal Wolf
  11. Celia the Normal Eagle
  12. Cally the Normal Squirrel
  13. Eunice the Normal Sheep
  14. Al the Lazy Gorilla (x3)
  15. Drago the Lazy Alligator
  16. Sydney the Normal Koala
  17. Nate the Lazy Bear
  18. Lolly the Normal Cat
  19. Hornsby the Lazy Rhino
  20. Benedict the Lazy Chicken
  21. Cranston the Lazy Ostrich
  22. Al the Lazy Gorilla (x4)
  23. Paolo the Lazy Elephant
  24. Erik the Lazy Deer
  25. Stu the Lazy Bull
  26. Drago the Lazy Alligator (x2)
  27. Spork the Lazy Pig
  28. Deli the Lazy Monkey (x2)
  29. Drago the Lazy Alligator (x3)
  30. Stitches the Lazy Cub
  31. Jacob the Lazy Bird
  32. Big Top the Lazy Elephant
  33. Ozzie the Lazy Koala
  34. Simon the Lazy Monkey (x2)
  35. Deli the Lazy Monkey (x3)
  36. Erik the Lazy Deer (x2)
  37. Deli the Lazy Monkey (x4)
  38. Zucker the Lazy Octopus
  39. Erik the Lazy Deer (x3)
  40. Ozzie the Lazy Koala (x2)
  41. Al the Lazy Gorilla (x5) -- at this point I took a break.
  42. Sherb the Lazy Goat
  43. Egbert the Lazy Chicken (x2)
  44. Filbert the Lazy Squirrel
  45. Raddle the Lazy Frog
  46. Wade the Lazy Penguin
  47. Rodeo the Lazy Bull
  48. Anchovy the Lazy Bird
  49. Derwin the Lazy Duck
  50. Hopkins the Lazy Rabbit
  51. Hornsby the Lazy Rhino (x2)
  52. Hopkins the Lazy Rabbit (x2)
  53. Paolo the Lazy Elephant (x2)
  54. Broccolo the Lazy Mouse
  55. Zucker the Lazy Octopus (x2)
  56. Stitches the Lazy Cub (x2)
  57. Rex the Lazy Lion
  58. Sherb the Lazy Goat (x2)
  59. Zucker the Lazy Octopus (x3)
  60. Al the Lazy Gorilla (x6!!)
  61. Bob the Lazy Cat
october 18, 2020
(game days: oct. 7-oct. 10)


After Rosie, Lolly, and Bob finished moving in, we upgraded Resident Services and got to set up a campsite! I've never had great luck with campsite villagers, so I wasn't really expecting much, especially since the only possible campsite villager that would have become a permanent resident would be Raymond.

Well, we got Phil.


Honestly, I kind of like him, despite that he looks incredibly done with me.


After setting up his house, I immediately went and bought another house plot from Tom Nook, slapped it on an empty beach, and went island-hopping again. This time, fortunately, did not take as long as last time.


We found Tangy at thirty-three tickets!

She was the first cat on this hunt, and a second peppy on the island, but that's fine -- that just means I won't pick up Merry, Felicity, or Tabby if I run into them, but that's alright; Tangy and Rosie are definitely two favorites anyway.

I'm running out of beach space to put buildings on, so I might get one more villager (for 8 total) and then start unlocking terraforming so I can set them up in a nice neighborhood on the island proper.

  1. Wart Jr.
  2. Julian
  3. Antonio
  4. Bluebear
  5. Monty
  6. Buck
  7. Alli
  8. Pashmina
  9. Boots
  10. Paolo
  11. Chow
  12. Buzz
  13. Ketchup
  14. Bill
  15. Static
  16. Lobo
  17. Velma
  18. Drake
  19. Kidd
  20. Elvis
  21. Rowan
  22. Opal
  23. T-Bone
  24. Hamphrey
  25. Nate
  26. Rizzo
  27. Nan
  28. Bud
  29. Rolf
  30. Claudia
  31. Stu
  32. Vivian
  33. Tangy the Peppy Cat


Ending on a photo of the lab I'm setting up in the house. On my boyfriend's old island, he had a similar room in the basement. Well, we don't have a basement yet, but there's no reason I can't start in a side room for now.
october 19, 2020


It's been a busy few days, friends -- our last three villagers to complete the first ten have arrived after 350 Nook Miles Tickets, although not all of them were invited.

Yesterday I went through 250 tickets. A highlight included Punchy, whom I left behind only because I'd previously had him on an island and wanted to give new cat villagers a try for the personalities where that was an option. I already have Bob, so that's clearly my lazy cat taken care of.


I'm convinced RNG is a huge Punchy fan and vengefully punished me after I left him behind, because then I ran into Moe and then proceeded to have a 194-island long dry streak, wherein I encountered a disturbing number of hamsters, birds, and literally everything except cats.

One such island was Tarantula Island, starring Rodney:


I would've hoped that the tarantulas got the better of him, but no; he showed up again later.


When I logged in the next day, the plot had auto-filled with Portia.


That's definitely not a cat, although she is very cute. If this were supposed to be a dog island, I'd be thrilled.

Well, she's here for now. I slapped down my 9th plot and ventured back out.

(Side note: Please appreciate that I dressed as a tuna sushi in the hopes of luring more cats to me. After 50 more islands without a single cat, I determined that sushi was not the way to go, and changed into a witch outfit so as to fool cats into thinking I was in need of a familiar. Surprisingly, that...worked.)


Merry showed up on Bamboo Island first. Then Tabby. I let them both go -- we already have Rosie and Tangy for peppies.


Besides, Tabby's gremlin energy is just Too Big. Even my real-life cats aren't this gremlin-y.


Literally the island after Tabby, I found Dom. I almost died. I love Dom with all my heart. Leaving Dom behind was harder than leaving any of the other villagers I'd run into before -- Fauna, Beau, Deidre, Ruby, even Punchy. Look at those eyes.



But RNG rewarded me with Katt at ticket 333. I know she's not to everybody's taste (or maybe is just an acquired taste?) but gosh I love her. Her big yellow eyes and her teef.

Welcome home, Katt. Took you long enough.



Since I was finally seeing cats again, I couldn't let this streak go. I skipped forward a day (helps that I'm still in the past, so it's a fairly guilt-free maneuver), put down my tenth and final plot, and went back out.

This time Raymond himself showed up at ticket 350 flat.


The sophistication. The elegance. Amazing.

I peer pressured him into coming back to Inverness immediately, laid waste to the island's resources, and dragged myself back home.


A related note: For the life of me I haven't been able to find my NPC visitor today, and I just have this eerie suspicion that it's Flick lurking around somewhere, too afraid of the mountain of tarantulas and wasps I've amassed through island-hopping to face me.
october 20, 2020


Exciting things are happening! The last thing I did yesterday was chat with Isabelle about our island rating, and she surprised me by saying that Inverness was at three stars! So today the first thing to do was attend KK's first Inverness concert.

(The second and third things were to go meet Raymond in his house & to chat with Katt about coffee in her house.)


Of course, the real reason this is exciting is that I've now unlocked terraforming, so Inverness will be getting a facelift. I'm a little nervous about this island style -- I feel like I've gotten in the groove of natural-looking on Muir Wood, and switching to straight lines and a more cultivated feel for Inverness might be difficult. But it's okay, Inverness can have many facelifts in the future, too.



Tammy pinged to leave today, too. I didn't mind having her on the island at all, but it'll be nice to swap her out for another cat! I probably won't be doing much time traveling today or tomorrow so that I can space out the next villager hunt a little, though. So much for moving houses and getting things built quickly.


Turns out that Bob and Rosie had a fight about fashion, so I delivered a present from Rosie to Bob.


I think he likes Rosie's fashion taste. Honestly, I'm pretty into it too -- the purple tie matches him! Not bad for a random present, Rosie.
october 23, 2020


Today was another villager hunting day on Inverness! In the meantime I've been doing a lot of terraforming, but nothing is complete enough to show off yet. I meant to time travel to move buildings and get bridges and inclines up and running, but, well, Tammy wanting to move put a hold on that.

Also, it turns out I'm still a little burned out on villager hunting after that 350 ticket run -- I was not looking forward to island hopping today.

Nevertheless, we perservered.


Dom was the first villager of note on ticket 19. I almost broke and took him. Look at his face! Ugh. But I can't. I can't. What kind of cat isle has a sheep?



Then Tammy tried to sneak back onto the island on ticket 26. Girl, you literally just left! Please, I need some space.


And then after that...pretty much nothing.

Except, well, Naomi and her demonic red eyes on tarantula island.


Nightmare fuel.


Fifty tickets later, I just...couldn't. I considered TTing to the same day over and over, doing 50 tickets at a time, but honestly, I want to be able to keep terraforming and moving things around! So I invited Tom to the campsite via amiibo. (I'd already invited him twice before just in case, so getting him to move in today was easy.)


So the seventh cat on Inverness will be moving in tomorrow!

The more I think about it, the happier I am that I did just go ahead and amiibo Tom in. I definitely want a cat of each personality type on the island, but I'm not sure I'd have taken Kabuki -- I've already had him on an island before, and have his photo, so I really wanted Tom this time. At least for the other personality types I have left -- jock and snooty -- I don't really mind a few of them. For crankies, this is probably the best option for my sanity.
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