Senior Member
Now I'm tempted to Google it.They weren't
Now I'm tempted to Google it.They weren't
Dear Gandalf,
You make my heart melt with your guitar.
From iLoveYou.
- - - - -
[[ Mumble recordings ]]
We miss you Holly. <33
(c) Gandalf 09/27/2013 on Mumble.
LOL this happened on the same day. Poor River.
Please excuse the morning voice & PG 13. It's not that bad tho.
& I swear that's not a chainsaw. TBH I dunno which one of the boys were making that noise
Okay, one more from that morning .. as far as I can tell Gandalf was trying to help me improve on my Aussie accent. Jason makes an appearance & I think Harry is the one who says "Say it in a sentence".
- - - - -
[05:46:38] <Horus> i like big butts
[05:46:42] <Horus> and i can not lie
So freaking immature I swear
Edit: Am I the only one who kept Mumble recordings? I don't think so
Hahaha, every recording gave me a laugh! Glad you saved them all, too good.
I have a few recordings lying around, not nearly as good these though. most are just duck noises.
[19:02] * Dark sets mode: +b ITookYourWaffles!*@*
[19:02] <%Dark> oh
[19:02] <%Dark> sdfs
[19:02] <%Dark> df
[19:02] <%Dark> sdf
[19:02] <%Dark> sd
[19:02] <%Dark> nonon
[19:03] * Thunder sets mode: -b ITookYourWaffles!*@*
[19:03] <@Thunder> wtf dark lol
[19:03] <%Dark> thank you
[19:03] <%Dark> tried voicing
[19:03] <+VillageDweller> dark shouldn't be trusted with hop i think
[19:03] <%Dark> forgot to add v.
[19:03] <%Dark> shiz
[19:03] * Thunder sets mode: +v ITookYourWaffles
[19:04] <%Bidoof> another shiny larvesta...
[19:08] <@ZR388> So jubs says if I can get more people to download this monopoly game and get them in the server he'll play with me
[19:08] <&Jubs> I DIDNT SAY THAT
[19:08] <@ZR388> i'm lookin at all you
[19:08] <@ZR388> You did
[19:08] <+ITookYourWaffles> Wait what just happen
[19:08] <%Dark> i dun goofed
I see dark was causing trouble with half op! I personally couldn't be bothered doing anything.
* Dark sets mode: +b ITookYourWaffles!*@*
* Thunder sets mode: -b ITookYourWaffles!*@*
I don't get this lel
Best thread 2013
I see dark was causing trouble with half op! I personally couldn't be bothered doing anything.
We tried to create conversation... We ended up making ourselves seriously confused.
Jubs: http://www.walmart.com/cp/Monitors/...7503&sb=79&sdir=sasc&affillinktype=10&veh=aff
Thunder: what the **** is goin on with wally
DJjeff20!~TFlash@protectedhost-F530943B.nycmny.fios.verizon.net joined the room.
DJjeff20!~TFlash@protectedhost-F530943B.nycmny.fios.verizon.net left the room. (Client exited)
ITookYourWaffles!~TFlash@E511E4CA.53FC5363.4961EFAC.IP joined the room.
9:31 PM
Kuma: I want some $10 monitors
Kuma: Hey ITookYourWaffles
Thunder: hoy
9:32 PM
ITookYourWaffles: Hello sup!
ITookYourWaffles: kinda bored *cough cough*
Thunder: well you came to the right place
Thunder: we were just discussing nothing
ITookYourWaffles: oh... U
9:33 PM
Princess-Twi: we need a walmart over here :U
ITookYourWaffles: Typhoon coming to Philippines (
Kuma: Same!
Thunder: kuma i don't know if that's something to sound so excited about
9:34 PM
Kuma: I only want it because of $10 monitors
ITookYourWaffles: *Cough cough* You want me to die Kuma?!?!
ITookYourWaffles: oh lol
Thunder: oh well that makes more sense
Thunder: i thought you wanted a typhoon or somethin'
Kuma: XD
ITookYourWaffles: Lol
Kuma: I was so confused
9:35 PM
Kuma: I thought you were on about Walmart