Good grief.
I actually feel that the last five years (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017) were very rough years when the issue is politics. Ever since the shooting of Trayvon Martin and the aftermath, our country started to go to hell. And Trump's campaign for presidency in 2015 made it even worse. But it did move that direction very slowly, up until 2016 when it became more rapid.
Yeah, around the spring of 2013 I noticed people start increasingly become more sensitive about political issues. And, of course, by August 2014, you saw Black Lives Matter appear once the events of Ferguson started taking place, and there were several other events (such as what happened in Baltimore in April of 2015) that obviously made this clear during the second half of 2014 and first half of 2015, but from the start of Trump's presidential campaign in June 2015 onwards, it's clear how sensitive politics can be among the American public and even worldwide (see what happened in the UK with Brexit last year through now), and ever since Trump got elected in November and then took office this past January, it just become clearer and clearer.