Any guy who says AC is a female series is delusional and insecure.

If anything it's offensive to imply that games that take concentration, organization, and daily dedication to play are "girl exclusives". It reinforces that guys are "dumb monkeys who don't have the attention span for that." ....
I and friends play this, Stardew Valley, Don't Starve Together, etc etc all the time. And I never had a friend be like "Dude we can't play this, it's a GIRL game afhfbjfg." And I mean, if someone ever does say that, I don't know what tf one would even do but cringe.
I have had friends think the game was just a city builder though, and thought it sounded boring. They were the type of people that preferred fast paced, high action games, and that's fine. But I don't think any game/anything is innately "boring", and that you can realistically get into anything and enjoy it. Being bored of things is more of a privilege, and if you have the option to play things that sound like more fun, there's nothing wrong with that.