Is anyone else frustrated with this?


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
I'm on the last part of the cast master achievement and it's driving me crazy. I'm really bad about pressing A too soon so when that happens I have been closing the game without saving(I have also tried closing my eyes and going by the sound but I manage to mess that up too). But there's no way for me to know if it worked! The counter on the achievement doesn't start over and there's no other way to tell. It makes this achievement that much more difficult. How did yall manage to get this?

UPDATE- i don't know how but i finally got it!
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I haven't done this yet. Closing my eyes and listening to the sound has been pretty helpful. I use headphones. It might be easier to just catch the common fish as they're less likely to break away immediately after biting the lure. Perhaps that would make things easier for you.
I think there is a big misunderstanding with this achievement, even guide pages get it wrong. It simply counts all the consecutive fish you catch. You don't have to catch them all in a row.
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I still have yet to get this, I try almost daily but I always end up getting overexcited and lose a fish! currently stuck on 54/100. so naturally I don't exactly have any advice that has worked for me yet, but generally if I just relax a bit more instead of placing a ton of pressure on catching this one fish then I'm more likely to not press A too soon.
since the counter doesn't reset there's obviously no way to really know if the fish you catch get registered as a loss or not but since I haven't got the achievement for catching 5k fish yet (I forget the name of it) I use the counter on there to keep track of how many I've caught
The best advice I can give is: wear headphones and rely only on sound. Look away from the screen once you know the fish has seen the lure and wait for the blop. Make sure your thumb is hovering over the A button and not resting on it, because if you panic and your thumb twitches it won’t accidentally reel in early.

At least, this is how I managed to do it.
I think there is a big misunderstanding with this achievement, even guide pages get it wrong. It simply counts all the consecutive fish you catch. You don't have to catch them all in a row.

Casting a line without catching a fish's attention does not reset the counter. If you scare it away, the counter does in fact reset.

I have this achievement. You have to manually count if you mess up, the counter in the game does not reset visually.
So I really caught 100 fish in a row by accident? 🤯 I assumed it just counted consecutive catches and didn't reset because it certainly did not feel like I had caught 100. I only have 1400 total fish now, and got the achievement 3 months ago!
I think there is a big misunderstanding with this achievement, even guide pages get it wrong. It simply counts all the consecutive fish you catch. You don't have to catch them all in a row.
Seconding this. I was stuck at 59/100 for a while, worked on it a bit, and found it went up to 65/100 without me having to actually catch 59 all over again. I'm just not sure when it starts re-adding consecutive catches.
I completed this achievement a couple of months ago and found it a complete nightmare, I was stuck on the same number for ages as all the fish kept getting away but I decided one day to just focus on it for a while and eventually completed it. If it wasn't for the fact I want to complete all the Nook Achievements I would've given up - such a relief when you finally complete it though.
once I knew I got to 50 on this achievement, I tried to stop internally counting everytime I caught a new fish because then I was just concentrating on the achievement and not actually trying to catch the fish, so I'd risk pulling my line too early out of panic. so just try to do it naturally without putting too much thought into it.
grats on getting it though!
Congrats on finally getting it— since release, I’ve never been able to get it on any of my player profiles. I’ve come close during fishing tourneys & such, but it’s so frustrating because my anxiety gets the best of me and then I press A way too soon. Happens every time. My completionist heart is begging me to just hurry up and get that achievement, but it probably won’t happen for a long time lol.
I completed it during the first week of playing. I wasn't aware of this achievement at first so it was easier to get because I wasn't stressing about it. I try to always look away or close my eyes after I cast the line and rely on sound to know when to press A. If you mess up, you can immediately close your game before it auto saves and then you won't lose your streak. I had to cheat like that a few times to get the achievement for my second character.
Congrats on getting it! It can be stressful - I had to actively look away as I was trying for it and press A when I heard the sinking sound, because otherwise I kept pressing too early. So glad I don't have to worry about it anymore!
Try closing your eyes and as soon as you here the splash sound when the fish bites on the rod you press the button quickly.
I think it took me 3 days of working on it after work to actually get it. I got up to like 89 the one night before messing up and that was a mood killer. I basically laid in bed and put as little thought and emotion into it as I could. The actual nook miles you get for it is pretty pitiful though for it being the hardest achievement to get. Most are literally mindless grinds, but this one actually requires effort and doesn't actually feel rewarding to get.
I've done it twice now. Along with playing by sound only, I've found the trick is to relax and find a quiet environment. The best way to relax is to find a quiet place. Hopefully the more you can calm down and relax the less anxiousness and anxiety you should experience.

I don't close my eyes but I do look away from my screen and try not to focus too much on what's happening in the game.
It's best to rely on sound when fishing. I also wore headphones to drown out other noise.

I first attempted this during the very first fishing tourney while grinding points for the fish furniture set. Got distracted on my 99th streak. I did not attempt it again until the 2nd tourney. Finally achieved it at that time.
i need to do this but i literally can't be bothered
i can't catch 5 fish without ruining it 😅

after i completed the museum, i dumped my fishing rod in the bin and told myself i'd never need it again
then i was reminded of the nook achievements and i had to buy another one lol