Splatoon Is anyone else losing a lot?


綠蛙朋友 ੈ✩‧₊˚
Dec 12, 2021
Green Bunny Balloon
Psychedelic Snow Bunny
Moon Bunny
Snow Bunny
Daisy Easter Egg
Toy Hammer
Dreamy Party Popper
Spirit Candy: Pierrot
Leaf Ticket Easter Egg
Hello everyone! I love Splatoon and have been playing since the first game and I had so much fun playing. I was wondering why recently I barely want to play and I realize its because I lose almost every single round I play. I thought I was really good at the game as I got X rank in every mode for Splat 2 and almost max star level and even close to top 500. I even got level 50 and s+ on splatoon 1. I hate it because I love splatoon 3 but never want to play because I just cant win. I lose 75% of the rounds I play. I wasn't even excited for splatfest which is not something I do because I LOVE SPLATFESTS in the other games. I just played story mode and never really online as much because I barely got to S since I lost every single round over and over so I couldnt rank higher. I cant even TRY turf war without getting absolutely obliterated. I even recorded playing some splatfest and instead of getting excited that my mother said I could play as much as I want today, I played 30 mins and stopped. I deleted my footage from my computer of me playing because I only won twice. The few times I do win its not even with the weapons I love using. If I want to play charger, slosher, or splatana stamper I lose but if I play Flinga roller or nzap I win. Its just not fun. I think I will just take a break for a while and play later because then its better! I though that the really good players stick to the "pro" splatfest mode but nopeee. I think I am just bad at the game lol I should stop complaining and do something more fun!! Its just a game! I want to know if anyone else is losing or if its just me 😭

Edit: Its not just me 🙃
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I though that the really good players stick to the "pro" splatfest mode but nopeee

I literally just looked up the difference between Open and Pro, and it turns out the difference isn’t in skill level:
When it comes down to it, the main difference between Pro and Open battles is simple. Pro will only allow Solo players to participate, whereas Open allows you to play with friends.

Pro is made for those who don’t have anyone to play with, so they won’t be matched against potential teams of four who are communicating with each other at all times, giving them a bigger advantage. So if you are a solo player, pick Pro mode.

To answer the question: I’m getting approximately a 50% win ratio. Some teams just have better synergy, and I’m playing my safe weapon until I learn to use the other weapons and specials well.
I feel like I’m trash with Splatoon 3, when I was pretty decent with 2. But I’ve mostly been experimenting with different weapons, so that could be why.

Speaking of which, the stringer kinda sucks. I feel like I gave a better chance winning a 1 v 1 with any other support weapon. And the hits don’t really feel impactful, unless you get a direct hit with a charger vertical shot.

But yeah, there are times where the other team just work so well together, like they’re voicechatting or something.
I’ve been using Spltana for all my matches and whilst I can appreciate there being a learning curve I’m losing a crazy amount as well. I managed to get up to S+ but for the most part I keep getting teamed with people who do stuff like run past the first rainmaker tower or against just objectively more broken weapons like clash blaster.

I think it’s partly to do with the game being so fresh and ranking and matchmaking isn’t 100 percent yet but idk
I don't think I'm amazingly good at this game but I could hold my own on Splatoon and Splatoon 2, however I find it really hard on Splatoon 3, and I'm playing with my main weapon.
I never really played Splatfests since I got Splatoon and Splatoon 2 years after they came out so the whole hype and updates weren't really as strong and frequent.
I was really happy for this splatfest but wow I got steamrolled into oblivion. I played about 20 games and I kid you not, I probably won 2.
I know I'm not the best player ever but I don't think I'm the reason why I was loosing this bad.
I find myself playing solo mode more often than online aswell.
I also highly prefer ranked games rather than turf cuz turf feels SO random and I hate it. I know this isn't only related to Splatoon 3 but whatever. I do win a bit more on ranked since I'm good at PvP, but man most of the time I either destroy their team, or they destroy ours. It feels like there's no inbetween. I don't really know how this could be improved to be honest, and I don't know if it's a known or even real issue amongst Nintendo.