The lag is growing on my island, unfortunately, despite my best efforts to keep it minimal. It doesn't seem to come so much from furniture as from the combined effect of trees, bushes, flowers and some furniture. There's a particularly grievous couple of acres where several different decorated sections meet in the same place. Maybe not "scared," but I am bothered by it enough that I have tried cutting down the amount of furniture and flowers, to no avail. It even feels like areas that never used to lag for me are now starting to lag with no apparent cause.
At the same time, because the stutter is now much more common all over my island, I think I'm starting to care less about it. I don't have it nearly as bad as the people spamming bookshelves, pipe organs and simple panels everywhere. As long as it's not furniture popping in after I've already run past it, I figure it's just a tradeoff I'll be living with.