Is chewing ice cream wierd???


Sep 11, 2015
Red Tulip
White Tulip
I really need to know, it's an important question. I do it, I don't find it weird but people I ask have mixed opinions
I do not find it weird at all. I do it sometimes, but not frequently. I do not think negatively of people that chew ice cream. It is a personal decision, and my opinion on someone would not change based on their decision to chew ice cream.
I don’t really think that’s weird... isn’t chewing ice cream the way you’re supposed to eat it? It’s not like you slurp it down or anything, especially if it’s more solid than liquid. Lmao
I think it's just like an instinct to chew anything in your mouth unless it's really liquidy lol

Now if you were chewing milk I would be a bit concerned.
yes it's weird and it makes my teeth hurt thinking about it I hate this
Yes! Haha. It hurts my teeth, I don't see how anyone can just bite into ice cream or popsicles.
My teeth hurt just thinking about the thought of doing that... don't do it plz this is the ice cream equivalent of pineapple on pizza; it should be illegal. Just NO!
Who chews ice cream exactly, well duh no one does because you can't really chew it ice cream.
If by chewing you mean when it's actually in your mouth, then I don't see anything wrong with that. Biting ice cream off the cone like an apple though, that's another story.
here we do have ice cream with elastic texture and is also somewhat chewy, I don't know if that answers your question but this ice cream is the best in the world, it's Arabic vanilla with pistachio ice cream coated in Arabic cotton candy halawa flavoured, yum!

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I don't find it weird at all but it really hurts my teeth. Kudos to those who just chomp down on their ice cream no problem.
I find the idea awful, but I also have extremely sensitive teeth so I like to melt ice cream on my tongue rather than chew it because of pain-related issues.
No? Sometimes it's cookie dough or brownies, candy etc. in them.. and yeah sometimes I chew regular ones as well in- our outside mouth.. nothing wrong.
Lol, I don't think it's weird. I find that I do that with whipped cream too xD As someone else mentioned, I think it's just your instinct to chew food that isn't liquid .p.
Does it not depend on it's consistency? If it's hard as ice then I'll just naturally chew, but creamy a smooth, it has to be licked. Yum!!
i mean i don't 'chew it' per say, unless there's nuts or something in it. But I do kinda mush it around in my mouth before swallowing