Is Gender and Sex the Same Thing?

Is Gender and Sex the Same Thing?

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I don't think so??? tbh gender shouldn't exist as it is the way you feel or are??? and like polarizing that into two thingies (or more) is kind of odd? still don't take in account what im saying I may sound weird and dumb so

Sex on the other hand is something more "biological", like, that's your reproductive parts, whereas you can feel like a boy or a girl you can't feel like a penis or a vagina? god i wish i knew how to explain myself better
I believe that gender is emotional and sex is physical.
Having male genitals and the xy chromosome would make you physically male but you could feel and be female inside which is your gender.
I believe that gender is emotional and sex is physical.
Having male genitals and the xy chromosome would make you physically male but you could feel and be female inside which is your gender.
No, they are not the same thing.

Gender is a social construct and it is how we identify and classify others based on how we think they should act or look. For example, a woman should wear dresses and like pink, while males should wear pants and not like pink. Gender is basically if you see someone for the first time and before you even talk to them you classify them as male or female purely based on how they dress or look. Gender is a social construct and just because sex and gender use the same categories in their classification of people does not mean that they are the same thing.

Sex is biological and it refers to chromosomes and reproductive roles. There are multiple sexes in science however humans generally classify as three main categories, male, female and intersex (hermaphrodite is incorrect because scientifically humans are not meant to have both parts at once in order to reproduce, therefore intersex is the correct term). The category of intersex refers to anyone who is born with any sexual inconsistencies, like a girl born with no breasts, or a male born with a nonfunctioning uterus. Intersex can also refer to any human born with chromosomal abnormalities.

It is very easy to find out information on sex and gender and if anyone finds themselves confused on the differences between the two I would advise you to do a little research. Also knowing the difference between sex and gender will not make you a ?SJW? it will just make you more informed on science and how humans are classified.
It's my belief that sex dictates gender, so essentially, yes. But I understand and respect those who disagree
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no. your physical attributes or genotype doesn't define your gender
No. Gender is mental and sex is physical, like most others in the thread said
No, they are not the same thing.

Gender is a social construct and it is how we identify and classify others based on how we think they should act or look. For example, a woman should wear dresses and like pink, while males should wear pants and not like pink. Gender is basically if you see someone for the first time and before you even talk to them you classify them as male or female purely based on how they dress or look. Gender is a social construct and just because sex and gender use the same categories in their classification of people does not mean that they are the same thing.

Sex is biological and it refers to chromosomes and reproductive roles. There are multiple sexes in science however humans generally classify as three main categories, male, female and intersex (hermaphrodite is incorrect because scientifically humans are not meant to have both parts at once in order to reproduce, therefore intersex is the correct term). The category of intersex refers to anyone who is born with any sexual inconsistencies, like a girl born with no breasts, or a male born with a nonfunctioning uterus. Intersex can also refer to any human born with chromosomal abnormalities.

It is very easy to find out information on sex and gender and if anyone finds themselves confused on the differences between the two I would advise you to do a little research. Also knowing the difference between sex and gender will not make you a ?SJW? it will just make you more informed on science and how humans are classified.


Like, this isn't directed towards you personally, but.. I will never understand why people pose this (or better yet - what you linked in the thread) as a question. Being uninformed is one thing (which is completely normal), but like.. it's not a question. It's a fact.

There are multiple articles and posts out there stating, in explicit detail, why the two are completely different things, why it's all a social construct, why trans/non-binary people are and always have been real/valid, and so on. It's not a matter of opinion. It's not debatable. It's an irrefutable scientific fact.

So if somebody is asking because they are curious or do not understand it, that's cool beans. We've all been there. (I'm trans and I still have a million things to learn about non-binary people, for example) But when people pose these things as a question - which implies that it is a matter of opinion, which it is not - then it really irks the heck out of me.

Like.. if people refuse to accept the truth, then aight. It's still a fact, though. So have fun refusing to face the truth. lol

(again, not directed at you personally, OP. just reminded me of somethin' that always gets on my nerves)
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Great, now you guys confused me. (Thanks wildlife park)
inb4 they close this thread bc google can answer

that's why they closed my thread. but google cant answer for me, someone elses experiences, opinions, and talk to me about it in a civil manner all on the same webpage.... some people are just genuinely curious. thats something google wont help because everybody behaves differently

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like on a personal level not an article
but anyways in sixth grade we had to do these surveys.. like personal, if we ever had sex, if we like girls, boys..
the first question asked me what my sex was, male or female.
but on things like a job application, my gender is either male, female, or other.
sex is what your reproductive organs are basically.

Like, this isn't directed towards you personally, but.. I will never understand why people pose this (or better yet - what you linked in the thread) as a question. Being uninformed is one thing (which is completely normal), but like.. it's not a question. It's a fact.

There are multiple articles and posts out there stating, in explicit detail, why the two are completely different things, why it's all a social construct, why trans/non-binary people are and always have been real/valid, and so on. It's not a matter of opinion. It's not debatable. It's an irrefutable scientific fact.

So if somebody is asking because they are curious or do not understand it, that's cool beans. We've all been there. (I'm trans and I still have a million things to learn about non-binary people, for example) But when people pose these things as a question - which implies that it is a matter of opinion, which it is not - then it really irks the heck out of me.

Like.. if people refuse to accept the truth, then aight. It's still a fact, though. So have fun refusing to face the truth. lol

(again, not directed at you personally, OP. just reminded me of somethin' that always gets on my nerves)

You're exactly right. It's kind of a mindblowing experience because of how we've been taught but I'm really happy that society is starting to move away from gendered items or gender roles. Like, guys look great in makeup and girls look great in... "manly clothes?" And there's another point where girls have it easier to be less feminine but god forbid a man cries or something. Ticks me off. Gender is a made up thing and I believe that everyone should wear and like what they want. It just annoys me that men get the shorter end of the stick. Girls can wear manly clothes but if a guy wore a dress, he'd be made fun of. Like kay.
They are not the same thing. Why does this question keep getting asked when threads about it already have been answered and locked? Sex is your chromosomes, gender is something created by the brain in response to society concepts.
no, i even learned this at school, gender is what you think you are/what you express yourself as, sex is determined by your physical parts.