Is it good?

Yeah, tbh though it sort of sucks how you have to get play coins to get the bigger rooms (and windows, etc). Not that I have a thing against play coins, I just don't walk around with my 3ds all day lmao
but yeah, as Moko said. one of the good points is you can have loads of themes in a room :)

Yeah ikr, glad you got roof things for free at least. and no i don't either cause I don't want to lose it or someone to steal it x(

yeah and each villager have their own theme so it gets variation still, and if you know the tips and tricks you can stuff a lot in a room still ;)
Happy Home Designer is a good game but it's not better than New Leaf. It is a spinoff so it isn't as intense as New Leaf. Though, that said, I didn't expect it to have as much stuff jam packed into it. They definitely put effort into it.

As others have stated, you cannot play this game for hours. It gets boring after a while since you're doing the same thing over and over. Design like three houses and then take a break.

It is fun though, especially if you like designing things. The cards are addicting to collect too so beware of that. xD
HHD is a different kind of game, in a sense that you set your own goals. I feel like the audience who is enjoying the game the most consists mostly of people who are either looking for a non demanding, relaxing title, or people who want to let their creative juices flow.

Personally, I love HHD. I am a freelance artist IRL and since HHD involves creating stuff, it's just right up my alley! I like playing with the color combinations and trying to make eyecatching designs. I usually design one house per a day or two, because I am a neat freak and it takes me a long time.

Additionally, even though it's just a spin off, I feel like it adds a bit of immersion into the Animal Crossing world. You get to design homes for the characters you have so dearly loved for years, and then chat with them, looking as they go about their daily lives. There's just something so peaceful and enjoyable about that.

Plus, if there are villagers that you loved in ACNL but they moved out, your soul will be soothed once you can talk to them again in this game. At least it was like that for me.
After playing some more, I def. enjoying it more than new leaf since you can pretty much dress up good and see al your fave villagers. And I love making nice designs in NL too but the daily pressure and villagers moving as they wishes(more or less if you did not play each day) ticked me off pretty hard. And all the upgrades and Gracie stuff.. Idk. I prefer more relaxing games if they are supposed to be "life" simulators so this one suits me well!

Also looking aside the amiibo cards and the play coins rubbish I still enjoy it.. however I don't think I would have gotten it if it were not for the LE console.
I got to open a present early today, and so far I think it's really fun (I'm only at Lopez's house). I can see how it can get boring after a while but I love it so much that I think it'll take a while for me to get to that point
I got to open a present early today, and so far I think it's really fun (I'm only at Lopez's house). I can see how it can get boring after a while but I love it so much that I think it'll take a while for me to get to that point

Yeah same, I love how there are a lot of villagers and most have unique themes to their rooms, and the facilities have lots of possibilities to make personal =D
Yeah same, I love how there are a lot of villagers and most have unique themes to their rooms, and the facilities have lots of possibilities to make personal =D

And all the new items are so adorable, as well as being able to design cafes and things where villagers will actually go
And all the new items are so adorable, as well as being able to design cafes and things where villagers will actually go

Yass I love that you can have like all the new zen/asian themed items.. so pretty and all new food and stuff ahh.. If they ever make another AC titles for handheld it'd be so much better with those items and if they ever remove the stupid real life cycle.
Just like Choco its a fun game to play every once and i can actually use the amiibos that i have (because i dont have a wii u) so yeah... AC + Amiibos = AWESOMENESS
Haha ya the amiibos are good sadly they are 20++ bucks here so might get one or the three packs :/
If someone gets HHD for Christmas, will all the DLC be included?
this months dlc which is that bunny character you should be able to get, not the previous ones though afaik

That sucks, I would have guessed it would've been included, then again with New Leaf, the only way you got NA DLC is if you were playing in that month
(As I only got the game late December of 2013, I received the sunrise lamp, tree-stump chair, aurora screen, sprout table, cherry-blossom clock, leaf bed, all the zodic, kadomatsu, kagamimochi, bilboquet, and clay furnace)

Thanks for answering though :) (I guess doing the fake nintendo zone won't work as it is pass the date of distribution)
That sucks, I would have guessed it would've been included, then again with New Leaf, the only way you got NA DLC is if you were playing in that month
(As I only got the game late December of 2013, I received the sunrise lamp, tree-stump chair, aurora screen, sprout table, cherry-blossom clock, leaf bed, all the zodic, kadomatsu, kagamimochi, bilboquet, and clay furnace)

Thanks for answering though :) (I guess doing the fake nintendo zone won't work as it is pass the date of distribution)

Wow, you got all those in a month for NL? that's good.

I live in EU and I got the game sometime early december and I could only get that nintendo bunny guy and the items that came with him for HHD.