Is It Wierd That....


Is it weird that if I look at or say a certain word for too long that it starts looking/sounding strange?
Meh, not really.

Is it weird that I used to chew on plastic water bottle caps. my teeth still hurt from it even though that was about 2 years ago haha
No I used to chew on straws. XD

Is it weird that she sells sea shells by the sea shore? (I didn't know what to put.) :p
A lil' bit....she's probably up to no good!

Is it weird that I HATE raspberry white chocolate?
Not entirely.

Is it weird that I like to drink when I'm discontent?

Is it weird that when I lose an auction that I really want to win, I burst into tears?
not at all! I burst into tears all the time for the smallest reasons.

Is it weird that I hate a guy, but love him at the same time?
No, but that question was annoying.

Is it weird to have been playing ToS and Mafia for 23 hours straight?
Nope! You like what you like :)

Is it weird that I get homesick sometimes in my own house?