Drawing without guidelines is actually going to hinder you if you end up tackling art on a professional or even advanced hobby level. That person was wrong.
Usually I will include two things in my preliminary sketches before laying pencils over a work. I will include the line of motion of the figure. This is a center line that follows the motion that figure is following/flowing.
The second thing I will include are the basic shapes of the body- hips, chest, legs, where the knees and elbows are, head, etc.
This is how professional artists usually work, how I saw my professors working in college, and what I've seen from the industry.
There is this uniformed opinion that art shouldn't need references, that imagination is most important, but as someone who was taught that way first and then methodically had to take apart that mentality to improve and better myself as an artist, let me tell you if you skip that part of your art journey you'll be so much better off. Use as many guidelines, references, and measuring tools as you need.