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Is Slut Shaming Okay?

Ghost Soda

(he him or they them)
Aug 23, 2013
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Okay, so I just got into an argument with my mom about slut shaming. She was calling a woman sk****y. I make no secret of my hatred for slut shaming. I think people should be able to do what they want with their own bodies. Mom said that people who have sex with whoever are "sk****", "have no respect for their bodies" and are "trash". I took offense to this and she took it to mean that I have sex. (lol LOGIC) She demanded to know where I heard this from, said I was brainwashed from the internet (basically her go to arguement whenever I form an opinion she doesn't like.) and threatened to take away my devices. We had a shouting match about it until I got tired of not being listened to and left.

Since she says '75% of people' would agree with her. (her words.) I decided to ask on Tbt what you guys think.

Side note: I had to rewrite this entire post because tbt thought it'd be fun to LOG ME OUT before I could post it the first time. So if you see any errors, it's cos I'm rushing.
Gee this is kinda a loaded question. I am fully against slut shaming because you don't know their personal lives but I sometimes judge people who want nothing but sex 24/7 (not saying all sluts want sex 24/7) even tho I shouldn't judge
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Is this even a question?

tbh anyone who seriously thinks this is kind of a garbage person

- - - Post Merge - - -

also hooray for statistics pulled out of the ass
I would hope it isn't okay. Don't shame anyone for anything when you don't know the kind of life they're living or who they are. Even if you know the person and their choices is something you don't accept, don't shame.
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Nope. Sex is a natural thing that isn't to be punished.
I don't know where people get the whole "disrespecting your body" idea. If you're using your body in a safe and consensual way, what's disrespectful about it?
Also I hate the word slut being used derogatorily against others, like who cares if someone shows skin and has sex? It's none of your business. All I get from people who hurl that word around is that they're jealous in some form.
if you slut shame, you need to stop. there's no point in shaming someone for being okay with themselves and being sexually active. go slut around, you go people. i'm rootin'for ya.
well I'm a classy person who's the quite repulsed by sex or anything really intimate due from some shtty history but I honestly don't care if someone is more sexually active than mwah. Just keep it classy.

Also is this even suitable for a animal crossing forum?
I have nothing against sluts and I don't know why they should be called slut anyway. I know guys that act way more slutty than any girls I know and nobody says anything...
Thanks for the replies guys!

- LambdaDelta

Yeah, she does that a lot. Who needs logical arguments when you can pull out imaginary statistics?

- nvll

Yeah, at one point she even compared having sex with whoever to r*pe. Saying if people can have sex with whoever, then r*pe is okay. >.(\
This is kind of a hard question to answer thoroughly.

Short answer? Yeah man, everybody should be able to wear what they want.

Longer answer? Everybody should be able to wear what they want, within reason, and that's where it gets complicated.
Where do we draw the line at where "within reason" begins and ends?.

This is the source of why there's so much controversy surrounding this subject - different people have different ideas of "within reason", because if there is no limit, then who's to say people couldn't just walk around naked?

I guess if we had to really look at it, the most revealing, widely accepted thing people wear are bikinis, but that'd look weird in a non-swimming setting.

People even find discomfort in seeing tube tops and I guess that's understandable.

In all honesty, there is no real answer to the question I guess. Everybody's going to have different points at which someone else's clothing becomes uncomfortable to look at. Some of us wouldn't mind everyone being naked, some of us get uncomfortable at the sight of a thigh, and the rest of us are everywhere between.

I guess that's looking at it a bit too much though.

Do I care if someone dresses in daisy dukes and a tube top? Not really, just be careful not to let stuff spill out and we good.
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This is kind of a hard question to answer thoroughly.

Short answer? Yeah man, everybody should be able to wear what they want.

Longer answer? Everybody should be able to wear what they want, within reason, and that's where it gets complicated.
Where do we draw the line at where "within reason" begins and ends?.

This is the source of why there's so much controversy surrounding this subject - different people have different ideas of "within reason", because if there is no limit, then who's to say people couldn't just walk around naked?

I guess if we had to really look at it, the most revealing, widely accepted thing people wear are bikinis, but that'd look weird in a non-swimming setting.

People even find discomfort in seeing tube tops and I guess that's understandable.

In all honesty, there is no real answer to the question I guess. Everybody's going to have different points at which someone else's clothing becomes uncomfortable to look at. Some of us wouldn't mind everyone being naked, some of us get uncomfortable at the sight of a thigh, and the rest of us are everywhere between.

I guess that's looking at it a bit too much though.

Do I care if someone dresses in daisy dukes and a tube top? Not really, just be careful not to let stuff spill out and we good.

There's a difference between being uncomfortable with something and flat out putting someone down for it though.
I understand why people wouldn't want to see people's cleavage, or their butts hanging out of their shorts, or guys with those cut up hardly-a-shirt-anymore shirts, but shaming people for these things is another story and is pretty clearly never okay.
I would reserve shaming anything in public unless somebody wants to hear from you. If people are asking for your insight, then it is okay to give a negative opinion if you are being honest about it.
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Yeah, at one point she even compared having sex with whoever to r*pe. Saying if people can have sex with whoever, then r*pe is okay. >.(\

Your mom has some very unhealthy views about sex. I wonder what happened to her? Anyway, now that you know her feelings, you might want to avoid talking about it with her again. It's doubtful you could change her mind.
There's a difference between being uncomfortable with something and flat out putting someone down for it though.
I understand why people wouldn't want to see people's cleavage, or their butts hanging out of their shorts, or guys with those cut up hardly-a-shirt-anymore shirts, but shaming people for these things is another story and is pretty clearly never okay.

Yeah definitely, in my post I'm generally speaking about it in a much more broad sense - not as much of a putting down kind of way.