Is the hunt too hard?

TBT has always been one of the hardest online egg-hunting events I've been in, considering you need to actually think outside the box in order to solve. Other sites have been like, "Hey, there are children here too so we should make egg hunting easy and fun." but on TBT it's like, "nope lol have fun wracking your brain with all the really vague clues :lemon:" but personally I prefer this kind since it's more fulfilling finding an egg after so much thinking. It's the I knew it was there! kind of moment.
Idk. The admin told me to look at the previous egg hunt, but idk. It says the answers to previous questions, and last time they were found around TBT and on it's Facebook page. It doesn't explain what they look like though, nor how it actually works. Also, it seems kind of rude to ask people to sift through hundreds of pages of the forum to look for eggs.
Honestly, I'm, more likely than not, going to give this event a miss. I've participated in multiple events (including other "Easter Egg Hunts") on other forums over the years, and I've never come across an event so unclear, so overly-complicated, so ill-defined, and so muddled as this one is. It's like being told to "look at the fish!" in a pond that's completely obscured by silt and algae.

Doesn't help when there's ones in previous hunts that didn't make much sense (in a 'why would anyone even think of this?' kind of way), even when knowing what the answer is.
Not to mention other ones (including one on this hunt) not even being logical in the clue themselves. Which means having to wander around aimlessly.

I came back to this hunt thinking it might be more logical and practical than previous clues but I guess they haven't improved. I think I'm not going to bother even trying this year.
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Alright, I have been searching for several hours now and have had no luck finding any eggs. I'm wondering what I'm missing here. Could ad-block have anything to do with it? Will the eggs not show up if I have ad-block enabled? Just looking for some guidance as so far, I have had no luck.. Thank you!

They're just images. I'd disable it on the homepage to support the site. AdBlock won't affect the easter egg hunt.
I feel like it would be more fun/fair if there were two levels of the game. A simple one where eggs randomly show up while just browsing the site to get cheap, basic collectables, and these crazy hard riddles for more rare, expensive collectables. I've been drooling over the galaxy egg but I know I'll never get it. Hard events don't always mean fun. I don't have fun when I'm frustrated and searching through hundreds of threads for hours on end.

It's difficult when I have no idea what I'm looking for, and when the only helpful hint is "you'll know it when you see it!" If I knew what I was looking for, I wouldn't have to ask what it looked like, would I?
I hardly consider this a "fun and fair event" if clarifying beyond the oh-so clear and precise "anything and anywhere!" for the first-timers is not allowed. Honestly, the only thing I've come across that enjoys being so obfuscate as much as this event is the administration department at my college. If I wanted to be stonewalled with superciliousness, then I'd give them a call.
I may take the admins advice and give my brain a rest from this. And by giving my brain a rest, I mean forget about this whole clear-as-mud mess.

Precisely. I've played forum games before and have been a part of gaming/specifically Nintendo-based communities for years, but I'm new to this particular forum, and only a small segment of those clues even register as something that makes enough sense to be deciphered, if that makes sense. I get that it's not meant to be totally obvious, but I've spent literal hours chewing some of these clues over as I go about doing other things, and most of them just aren't budging or turning up in the places I think of in the occasional lightbulb moment. It's taking all the fun out of it, and I'm glad it's not just me.
I agree also. Especially for a weekend that for most of us is packed full of real life activity. I found 1 egg yesterday and that is all I will have time for this weekend.
Any chance we'll be allowed to save our eggs from this year and still use them next year? Because at this rate, I think that's the only way I'll be able to get anything good... :p
Stuff seem harder this year, but that's probably because I'm not active around the forums anymore.
I'm getting there.... I might actually get something good.
I just got here so these references don't make any sense...
That's what happened to me with clue 7. Found it while just clicking around. :)

BTW, AnimalCrossingPerson infected Zipper with a Bee movie script flea. Take that, you Rabbit-that's-actually-just-another-animal-wearing-a-suit!
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