Is the new cutthroat economy getting to your throat?


Unicorn Avant-garde
Nov 18, 2014
User Title Color Change
Silver Mailbox

On this forum I do not notice it as much, but I still see things like: A sahara visit for a nook ticket, a nook ticket for 400k bells etc.

Now I do not condemn these things but I do wonder if it's affecting people.

With the economy getting to your throat I mean, does it take away fun from you?
The game is about growing gradually and building up toward something. What I see is people rushing, getting a lot of stuff. They all want to get as much stuff as they can.

It's like the hoarding people are doing in the corona crisis, get as much bells as you can, trade as high as you can and basically do what Tom Nook would do.

On the other hand I feel that this game is very zen-like, you can make a competition out of it, but it's really not. Some people host fishing contests which are fun, and those things you can indeed make into a competition.

But who has the biggest house, the most rooms, the most furniture and all the most royal crowns, it's not even fun for me. Which is why I want to give a big thank you to this forum.

This forum I feel still is a little safe bubble of people wanting to share and care for each other. Most of us are not the Tom Nooks of the world but we are the friendly villagers. We respect each others islands, share things and perhaps give a small gift when your out there visiting some friendly user.

So thank you to this forum and the kind users, and if you feel that it's getting to your throat and taking away your fun, just add me and we can play together and share together. ;)

I hope we can be and stay the little bubble of friendly play and not turn into Tom Nook.

To those that feel they need to rush, it's just a game of patience. ;) It's best to let the game progress slowly because if you have everyting unlocked in one week, it'll be boring.
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I've been farming nook tickets and selling them like hot cakes, and honestly I love it. I swear this forum payed off my house loan day by day. I for one do not enjoy island hoping nor I am skilled at fish catching or tarantulas. So all I do in my game is catch bugs and decorate the island with furniture. It's been a very relaxing experience to farm for tickets, since you do just normal stuff. So I'm going to keep doing it as as much as the markets lets me. I dread the day I gotta return to tarantula farming.
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I've been farming nook tickets and selling them like hot cakes, and honestly I love it. I swear this forum payed off my house loan day by day. I for one do not enjoy island hoping nor I am skilled at fish catching or tarantulas. So all I do in my game is catch bugs and decorate the island with furniture. It's been a very relaxing experience to farm for tickets, since you do just normal stuff. So I'm going to keep doing it as as much as the markets lets me. I dread the day I gotta return to tarantula farming.

Thanks that's a nice insight for me. ;) So I guess visiting the islands with tickets is less fun for you then grinding the bells? :)
Yes, since 90% of time I get boring islands with native fruit and native flower. And since I don't time travel, for days i've been stuck on islands with no villagers since my 3 spots are taken. Better sell the tickets to others.

Ofc at first I always check nook atm to see if there are projects I want to buy for myself with miles, if not, off to the market!
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i haven’t traded with anyone yet so the economy isn’t a bother to me at all; it’s just nice to see the trading section so lively again aha
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This and the fact that there isn't really anything I need that can be traded for is why I haven't traveled to other people's islands yet.

I'm letting the economy settle down first and getting what I can by myself, which considering my focus is on bells and miles currently, isn't a bad plan imo (plus I'm getting the series 2 amiibos, which includes my dreamy, Ankha, on Tuesday so no need to trade villagers, and I can see if there are others I want)
I'm planning to farm tickets to sell them. Need to get the money somehow to get my dreamies
I spend a lot of my time grinding miles and island hopping. I have hundreds of each wood in my storage and I'm drowning in rock materials. Occasionally I'll sell my materials in bulk on here for lots of bells. (People pay ALOT for wood) I've also taken up fish bait hunting since it's considered tedious among the community and no one else is really doing it but honestly, it's actually a really fun past time for me and I'm making bank on hunting selling hundreds and hundreds of fish bait. It's actually pretty relaxing, cause I'll be doing it listening to my own music or watching some show/movie. And it's definitely helping me fight the boredom that comes from being in lockdown due to the virus.
Grinding is actually really pleasant for me and being able to sell the stuff I've hoarded for a lot of bells is a good bonus c:
I quietly observe what's going on, but I don't participate. I would never, ever pay to visit an island or shop. Items, of course, but a visit? No ma'am.
I've been selling wands for pretty cheap compared to what others have seen selling wands for so I get a lot of business. I went totally out of stock yesterday in a few minutes of the thread going up. I've hardly bought anything from the forums myself and in general I'm this close to paying off my next home loan.

I've managed to keep away from the nuts economy by keeping my own prices low and just generally avoiding the crazy prices, because for every person selling something at a ridiculous amount, there's always someone else willing to trade or sell for something more affordable.
I quietly observe what's going on, but I don't participate. I would never, ever pay to visit an island or shop. Items, of course, but a visit? No ma'am.

I've seen other communities eviscerate these 'entry fee' people but haven't ever seen it for myself. Sounds ridiculous lmao
It hasn't affected me too much because I'm trying to avoid trading with other players to start with. I have sold some things for TBT though, that I'm excited about.
I often see the entree fee since I am active on online forum. But its okay. you can simply move on and wait for a better town. :D
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I really don't concern myself with how other people play their game or sell their things online. If someone is selling something that I think is unreasonably priced, I don't purchase it. If someone wants to rush, it really has no affect on my life or game play. Pretty simple.
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Maybe I'll get lucky when I get the game, and find 'toilet paper island'!

We need all we can get down here.
Not at all! There are people who charge you lots of bells to visit NPCs like Sahara and Celeste, and then there are people like me who just drop a, "Hey! Here's my Dodo Code, my native fruit, today's visitors, today's turnip price, and the local time. Knock yourself out!" in every single Discord server they're in and go AFK to work, do online classes, or whatever else is going on.

There's nothing wrong with either way of going about things in my eyes. No one is forcing you to spend 500K to visit a town with Celeste visiting. If it's that important to you, you can go look around some more until you find a town with free visitors. No one is forcing you to play online with anyone at the end of the day, so there's no reason to let yourself lose any feelings of having fun. People charged for this stuff in New Leaf, too.

I personally love expanding my house and making it full of amazing furniture, and I do lots of trading (LOTS of trading) with others to make that happen. I very much appreciate the people who took the time to time travel and are able to get me the furniture I've been hunting for on my own game, as I chose not to time travel in New Horizons. Their progression does not somehow halt the progress in my game.

My house was my pride and joy in New Leaf, and that's what was fun for me. If it made someone who Streetpassed me and saw my house pop up in their HHA Showcase feel bad, that just really is not a problem with anything I did. It's what I chose to focus on. I don't feel bad when I visit amazing towns full of custom paths and landscaping. You shouldn't feel bad when you see people making different types of progress than you.

I also don't think it's appropriate to tell others how to play their game. If someone wants to time travel, that's their island they're time traveling on. It's their game. It's their money they spent to experience the game how they chose to- it's hurtful to tell people that how they decide to experience the game is boring. People did the same thing in New Leaf and many played the game for years, some up until New Horizons was announced/launched like I did, before putting it down. I certainly wouldn't say that's getting bored in a week. It's best to focus on your own progress and your own game instead of comparing yourself to others.
We're less than two weeks from release, which means the tbt economy certainly still hasn't stabilised. As far as people rushing into the game, I say let people play how they want to play. Some people love the design aspect and creating the perfect island, so they're likely to rush ahead and obtain everything they need. Others like to play it day by day and slowly progress. Whatever way you choose to play, as long as you're enjoying it and having fun, that's all that matters.
Eh, I can't trade anyway, but it would be nice to trade without kids trying to scam. I wouldn't be too worried about the prices, creating a tarantula island is the new "grind Tortimer's island in the evening" and it makes you more bells with one full inventory.

Also right now everything is new and people don't want to miss out. It should calm down in a month or so.
No because I'm not going to trade with that kind of people. Especially if they offer duped NH switches or crowns. I like taking it slow and I like to play with likeminded people:)