So I’m not too fond of my starter villagers and I’ve been trying to get them out so I can get ones I like better.
I’ve been doing a strategy where I talk to Only the villagers i want out until they’re exhausted, TT a few days ahead, and repeat. Usually this works and about four or five “days” later the villager will ask to move. I’ve used this strategy on quite a few villagers so far and they’ve all left quickly EXCEPT my starters. Is there something preventing them from leaving? Am I just unlucky? I’ve spent more time with them than just about any other villager. If anyone has advice I’d greatly appreciate it
Also I'm planning on using this strategy you used to kick some villagers out, how often does it work? And after you TT a few days forward, do you TT back and repeat the process?
If you're unlucky, so am I - I had Renee and Mac for starters, and it took so much TTing before Mac asked to move, and it took me 10 days of only TTing to get Renee to move out lol
I'm currently trying to get Eugene and Ozzie to move out - they are older villagers and no matter how much I ignore them and whatever method I try, it's always one of the villagers I have been talking to asking to move out
What worked for me when I was desperately trying to get Renee out was instead of ignoring her and talking to everyone else (didn't work), complain to resident services and talk to her until she didn't want to talk to me anymore (didn't work) I just spoke to her like I would to any normal villager lol.
@CowKing it works super well normally! only takes three or four days to get villagers out as long as they’re not stubborn as hell. normally i just keep going forward until i’m finished!
@Candybalism@LunaLight we’re all in the same boat it seems good luck with your future villager removal efforts lol
Is it just me or it seem like everyone on this board TT? I remember so many people in the past (2015) gave me a hard time for TT in NL to get to Tortimer island and told me I need to be patience even though I bought the game a year or more after it was release.
With that said, I did my research and realize it was much harder to kick out starting villager so I had to make sure I like both of my villagers before settling on an island.
This game takes a long time before having a villager asks to move which is slightly annoying since they don't move away without asking anymore. I've TTed for at least 10 days (I think more) before someone asked to move and it was one of my favourite villagers...