is there a villager name u can't pronounce?

i pronounce pekoe the same ! i have no idea if its right. mine was beau. i began saying it as bee-you but i believe my mom corrected me as it was supposed to be pronounced bow or boo ? i cant remember what she said
i've always said it like bow

For me, it's Cyrano. I have him in both of my New Leaf towns and the megaphone never recognizes my voice for him, which implies I'm pronouncing it wrong.
i never used the megaphone tbh but i call him 'sigh-ran-o'
idk about cousteau

but for the others, i say:
deirdre as 'deer-dree'
hippeux as 'hippo'
merengue as 'merr-rang'

i'm probably saying them wrong too tbh😅
Cousteau is a french name (as it probably comes from Jacques Cousteau). Hippeux's "-eux" and Cousteau's "-eau" sound basically the same, afaik.

Merengue is natural for me, as I'm a native Potuguese speaker, and the pronounce is basically the same as it is in Spanish.
i pronounce deirdre as deer-druh
tybalt as tih-bult
tangy as tang-ee
chevre as shev-ruh
cyrano as sigh-ran-o

i didnt know crouque was supposed to sound like croak; i read it as crock ;-; oof
One of my first villagers, a random move in Broffina. I don't know if it's supposed to have a long or short "o" sound. To be honest I wasn't really a big fan of her anyway so I mostly just called her "that chicken" 😂
i'm still not really sure how to pronounce pashmina. i pronounce it pash (like hash)-meena.
Apparently I've been pronouncing Pietro's name wrong. Instead of the European Pee-tro I've been pronouncing it as Pie (like the dessert) tro. As a kid which is when I first met him, I thought it was Pie-tro rhymes with Pie THROW. Cause he's a clown. Clowns throw pies. Also as a kid I never heard the Peetro before. Clearly I lack a few braincells.

I always mispronounced Phoebe cause idk if it's Fou-bee or Fee-bee so I call her firebird.

Also which I genuinely did not know till I read it somewhere else, Dobie. I always called him Dob (rhymes with door knob) ee. But apparently others think he's based off a Doberman so they call him Dou-bee. I personally don't see him based off of a Doberman, Nintendo could have done alot better at doing that.
I'm sorry if this kills this thread for people...but if you go to Nookipedia, it gives you the villagers name, how to pronounce it, and what it's based on. I'd estimate about 95% of villagers have a 'link/relation' to their name.

Just to address some common ones I just saw...Croque is pronounced 'croak' (like what a frog does), Cousteau is in fact named after Jacques Cousteau (a French scientist who studied the sea, among other things), and Merengue is pronounced like the pie...a lemon merengue pie...I thought that one was fairly obvious.

Now, the name I've always struggled with (and unfortunately it's one of the very very few Nookipedia has no information on) is the duck Maelle. I assumed it was pronounced 'may-elle' but it's apparently 'Mah-elle', and there's no explanation as to why that's her name.
for me it's pekoe, like how are u supposed to pronouce that?
i've been saying it 'pe-koh'

i've heard others say 'pi-koh' or 'pe-koh-ey'
so now i'm at a point where idk how to say her name 😅

there's also cyd, like is it said as 'side' or 'sid'
Pekoe (pee•ko) is pronounced like orange pekoe tea as another person answered 😊
There are quite a bit. XDDDD
Some of which I cannot even spell. >_<
Is it “blanch” (like ranch) or “blanc” (like white)
It's "blanch" (but yes it means white haha)
Maelle is a French name (from Brittany) and we say "mah-elle" ("elle" is like the letter L)
Also, Chevre we don't really pronouce the last "e" so you just have to say "chevr" and not "che-vre"
i genuinely can not pronounce “roald” lmao. i’ve tried really hard and have even watched videos on how to say it but i just,, can’t get the hang of it. 🥴
Well I learned something reading this thread :). I'd never heard of the Spanish word Merengue until you guys mentioned it and I googled it. its a style of dance right?

Since she a cake I pronounce it Meringue instead, like the actual cake. In the UK we pronounce it like this Mer-rang.
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i genuinely can not pronounce “roald” lmao. i’ve tried really hard and have even watched videos on how to say it but i just,, can’t get the hang of it. 🥴
Hehe, say the English word "rolled" and you've got it :D