Is this a good first island layout? (First Timer)


Junior Member
May 11, 2022
Throwback Tickets
Hi everyone. First time playing this game. Very overwhelmed by the 100 or so available island layouts. I don’t want a double south river exit. Wanted to know what everyone thought of this one. Is the RS too close to the airport, or is it far enough? Really would like to avoid resetting the game a million more times, but if there are concerns with this layout, I will. Thank you!


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For the most part you can fix your cliffs and rivers later. If you're satisfied with where RS is then you're good to go.

My RS is directly in front of my airport, and even then I was able to throw down some paths in front of it.
I think the most important considerations are the location of RS, the river exits, the location of the pier, and the placement of the rocks (a boat will sometimes appear on the north beach).

That being said, I was happy both times to pick from one of the four and go with that. Once it's decorated, it wont matter much. 😊

I think your map looks fine. Some people prefer to get a RS more closely lined up to the dock if that matters to you. It looks like you have room in front of RS to decorate as well. 😊
honestly it's up to you and what you want for your island :)
Thank you for your reply. So I originally had a double south exit river setup. Played some hours on it only to realize I didn’t like the thin pieces of land on the sides. Now I’m overthinking everything and can’t decide 😩. Main concerns are being able to make a nice entrance (I.e. is RS too close to airport?), and to have as much usable space as possible.
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I think the most important considerations are the location of RS, the river exits, the location of the pier, and the placement of the rocks (a boat will sometimes appear on the north beach).

That being said, I was happy both times to pick from one of the four and go with that. Once it's decorated, it wont matter much. 😊

I think your map looks fine. Some people prefer to get a RS more closely lined up to the dock if that matters to you. It looks like you have room in front of RS to decorate as well. 😊
Thanks so much for the feedback 🙂. Yeah my RS is like one click to the left of where the airport dock lines up. I feel Like it’d be silly to spend time resetting to find one that lines up perfectly. Then again, I don’t know how important that is later on in the game.
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For the most part you can fix your cliffs and rivers later. If you're satisfied with where RS is then you're good to go.

My RS is directly in front of my airport, and even then I was able to throw down some paths in front of it.
Thanks! Is it a big deal that my RS isn’t perfectly center with the airport dock? Or is that not a problem? Been reading a lot of different opinions and don’t know what my preference is since I haven’t played this game through yet.
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Not sure if you picked one yet but it really depends on what you want to do with it. That map looks nice. I learned a lot from when I started my first island to when I was picking my second. Some questions to ask yourself.
How much terraforming do you want to do?
Do you have a plan for where your buildings are going to go?
How big of a entrance do you want to make? If you want to make a pretty big entrance then you would want space between your airport and RS.

I didn’t plan much when I first started but found it easier with my second island to plan ahead. Basically look at the map and see if you could plan how you want your island to look.
Not sure if you picked one yet but it really depends on what you want to do with it. That map looks nice. I learned a lot from when I started my first island to when I was picking my second. Some questions to ask yourself.
How much terraforming do you want to do?
Do you have a plan for where your buildings are going to go?
How big of a entrance do you want to make? If you want to make a pretty big entrance then you would want space between your airport and RS.

I didn’t plan much when I first started but found it easier with my second island to plan ahead. Basically look at the map and see if you could plan how you want your island to look.
Nope not yet, still not sure if I want to keep the current one. I want a decent entrance but it doesn’t need to be gigantic. Terraforming I have no idea. Also zero plan on where my buildings will go. In all honesty, the last time I played an animal crossing game was on GameCube. So all of these extra features are completely foreign to me.
I think you just gotta go with what you think feels right. The resident service building is lined up pretty recently to the airport, but for me it would be too close. I would like a little distance for terraforming a good entrance. It looks like Redd’s beach will be a little difficult to get to with the cliffs. The rocks on the beach are also pretty large, so if you’re wanting more sand to work with you might want to think about that. You’ll get the hang of terraforming pretty quick! There are also tons of tutorials out there and tons of people online to help!
You have to ask yourself these questions "Do I want my Resident Services to be closer to the airport?" or "Do I want my Resident Services to be far from the airport" It depends on what you're looking for. You may want to keep restarting because if you find layouts where Resident Services is a bit too close to the airport. Trust me as someone who has restarted 50 times on the 2nd switch it can take a while to get the one layout where Resident Services is far from the airport. Like others say it depends on what you feel is right for you.
It looks like a nice layout. My Resident Services is a touch closer and I think the same amount offset as yours and I think it turned out great.

If you have some extremely specific design element in mind, like a large waterfall tunnel at the beginning of your island, then maybe you want to change it but if you're just going to hang and be creative then you should be good.
Main concerns are being able to make a nice entrance (I.e. is RS too close to airport?), and to have as much usable space as possible

If it makes you feel any better, I do feel like majority of players hate where their RS is :(

Mine is super close to my entrance, too. I dealt with it though and was still able to make what I think is a nice entrance!

Try not to hyper obsess too much! I've driven myself cray doing that for suuuure =(
I do feel like majority of players hate where their RS is :(
There are some places it can go that are a lot worse than others, but it will always be an obstacle to work around even with the best maps.

I chose a map where I thought it would work perfectly for what I had in mind.
It did work for exactly what I wanted.
But it left me with a thin strip of land next to it that I had no idea what to do with.

If I could have moved it a few tiles to the left or right, I could have fit another cool thing on my map.
I spent so long adding and taking stuff away from that area trying to make it work out.

I made it work and now I wouldnt want to move it. It looks great where it is.

But I would be very shocked if I ever met a player who never wished they could move it, even by a few tiles.

Hopefully in the next game they let us move it freely.
Your island map looks like a good one yours is similar to mine with the placement of the airport and the distance from that to the residential services. Once you unlock the tools to edit your island you will be able to change your rivers design and layout as well as any mountain/ Higher area you want added or deleted.
I like it. I'd probably prefer RS to be further up, but for a first timer, I think you'll like that.
I think that's a nice map. If it were mine, I'd put the campsite at the back left. The airport dock seems to be lined up pretty well with the center of resident services and you have a nice amount of space to decorate in front of R.S. There are some interesting spots where you could put your museum and house or move them to eventually. I think it's an interesting map with some potential to be used as a natural landscape without a ton of terraforming.
The topic is a bit old, so you've probably already settled on the island or reset, but the thing with NH is that you can adjust a lot of the surroundings to your liking. There's only a few things you can't touch like the beach set-up, the airport, and the residential service. So if you're alright with those, then I'd say just go for it.