WHO IS EXCITED, soon we get our islands!! Honestly the landscaping option FLOORED me and to me it looks to be one of the most transformative aspect to this game. I gathered inspiration from breath of the wild and harvest moon kinda? I think id be hella fun to have a thread of anything (doesn't have to be a map) that is going to give you inspiration for your island: Mood boards, colour palettes, drawn images, maybe a update of your new leaf town. (I don't know if this has been done (probably has) but the New Horizons hype is getting REAL, and I figure this is just kinda fun?)
This is Wisp Isle (name is still kind eh rn)

I want to have it kinda themed in a mushroom forest type way with lots of plateaus and waterfalls.
This is Wisp Isle (name is still kind eh rn)

I want to have it kinda themed in a mushroom forest type way with lots of plateaus and waterfalls.