Island Tune/Town Tune Maker - Make Town Tunes for Each Other

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hi! i wanna request this song:
from 3:15 - 3:19 :)
thank you!!
@syub Here is "BTS Dis-ease Lyrics [Color Coded Lyrics/Han/Rom/Eng]":


Low D,a ll other notes high.

@ncx37 Here is "The HampsterDance Song":


High B and G, low E and D.
Hello again!
I’d love if you could turn this one into a tune for me, starting from the very beginning~
just the main do do do do dododo dodo do lol
I created an account here purely because I found this thread. It's been v fun inputting and experimenting with the tunes people have requested, but I wanted to see if you could make this:

it could be the first little bit from 0:07 to 0:14, or anything recognizable from it really. it's a v pretty main theme, I'm just worried the key might be too gnarly to hammer into natural notes
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