Hi! I was hoping you could find something good out of these couple seconds from Fantasmic, from 0:40 - 0:51 whatever sounds the best out of that little medley would be awesome. https://youtu.be/mlRoeOjND5I
Here is "Outlander Title Theme Song (Skye Boat Song)":
High A and G, low C and D.
Here is "Cosmo Sheldrake - The Moss":
Low D, all other notes high.
Here is "Roses Are Falling":
All the high notes or all the low notes will work. The part you asked for doesn't all fit into one island tune. It's three lines instead of two. You'll have to decide which two lines you want to use, or you can try remocing some of the sustain lines - or rests z to fit in more of the notes, which will change the timing of the song and make it sound different. You can make it however you like.
Here is "Fantasmic Full Soundtrack (Disneyland)":
High G, all other notes low.
Here is "Madeon - Dream Dream Dream (Official Audio)":
Second G is high, first G and all other notes are low.
Here is "Madeon - Be Fine (Official Audio)":
All the high notes or all the low notes will work.
Here is "Madeon - Miracle (Official Audio)":
All the low notes or all the high notes will work.
Please try the natural notes. I figured the half notes wouldn’t work to begin with but still thought I’d ask. Just it having the same feel would be enough. But if Horror Land still doesn’t work out, I have two other songs in mind.
Okay, here's my best attempt at "Mario Party 2 Soundtrack: Horror Land (1080p)":
Low E, all other notes high. It's as close as I could get it, but I feel like it doesn't really sound like the original song anymore. Either way, the musical phrase is too long to fit into two lines, so I made it three to include that last note. You can shorten it however you like to make it fit, if you want to use it.
Here is "Porter Robinson - Something Comforting (Official Audio)":
First three notes are high, all other notes are low.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Here is "dearly beloved EXTENDED kingdom hearts":
All the high notes.
Here is "Cowboy Bebop OST 3 Blue - Wo Qui Non Coin":
Low E and D, all other notes high.
Here is "HD 60FPS - Pripara - Pure Amore Love - Hibiki Shikyoin - Episode 73"
Low E, high G. I had to leave off the note that comes next because the only way for it to sound right would be if it were a G sharp, and there are no sharps and flats in island tunes. If I start from that note, it's doable, and would be like this:
All the low notes. You just can't have those two parts together in the same town tune because of the combination of sharps and flats the original song requires. Also I had to fudge the timing of the last couple of notes to make it fit. For the correct timing you'd need another sustain before the last DE, but then the E wouldn't fit. So you can change that if you want, however you like.
Here is "[FULL+LYRICS] Mon Chouchou - Pripara - Tricolore":