
✿ Адриан ✿
Aug 21, 2014
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Hybrid Rose
100% (61) +
Hii! I've been searching for my dreamies and after looking around, I've just noticed that a lot of the people offering cycling/giveaways are very busy haha. So, I thought I'd make my own post! I'll be willing to pay whatever price that you think is reasonable! :) Thanks for taking a look! Here's who I'm looking for:

- Pietro (NEED he's my absolute favorite!)
- Chrissy
- Francine
- Julian
- Stitches
- Nana
- Muffy

These are all that I'm currently searching for :) If anyone has any of them pleaseeee let me know! <3
Hi ! I have Francine in my town (I think), Stitches amiibo, and I should be getting Nana's amiibo in a few days. I can help you out for 25tbt per villager

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I'll be home in about 30 minutes if you wanna work something out
Yo that would be awesome! May need a little explaining as I haven't done this in a while if that's ok haha. Am I able to move multiple villagers into my town in one visit?
Nope you're gonna need to move them in one by one and you'll need to have 9 or less villagers each time. I'll go into more detail in a bit.
Alright, I'm at a computer now. Can you check in your town first how many villagers you have (including plots)?
I have 7 right now and by plots do you mean places where new villagers are moving in? Bc if so, 0. I'm working on getting a couple to move out lol.
If you have 10 villagers, you're gonna need to "cycle" someone out. I use this guide:

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Oh! I just saw you have 7, so I'm assuming you started a new save.

That's great, you can adopt a villager right now. (Actually, if you time travel, another plot will appear "tomorrow", so best not to do that if you want to adopt a villager from another player).

Do you know how to add friend codes and stuff and how to connect to the wifi/open your gate/etc?
I'm going to bookmark that guide thanks so much lol. But, Yes I just started a new town and I'm redoing everything :'( I know about friends codes/visiting towns and such :) Just haven't gotten a villager from someone in so long and I think I only did it once, so I don't know too much about it.
Okay, great. As you have a space, I'm gonna box Francine for you first if that's okay? Then you can come over and talk to her (in her house) and get her to move into your town. It's just easier for me since she's already in my town. c:

Can you add my friend code?
That'd be great thank you so muchhhh. I added your code already :)
Anyway, you can come over to my town now to get Francine. Feel free to roam around and use the map to get her. I'll probably be pretty afk the 3ds. xD;
Alrighty! I'll be on my way shortly! cx
After you adopt Francine, you will need to time travel to the next day (or if you are not comfortable time travelling, I am happy to wait until the actual next day) to ensure that Francine has left a "plot" before you can come over to my town and adopt Stitches.

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Do let me know here if you are struggling to connect, thanks. I would greatly appreciate it.
I'll time travel, that's alright~ all's well with connection

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After you adopt Francine, you will need to time travel to the next day (or if you are not comfortable time travelling, I am happy to wait until the actual next day) to ensure that Francine has left a "plot" before you can come over to my town and adopt Stitches.

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Do let me know here if you are struggling to connect, thanks. I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm actually going to place a few designs on the ground to make sure she doesn't move right in front of my house lol. Then I'll TT.
Not a problem. I've got Stitches boxed and ready and I'll open my gate and you can come over and grab him whenever. Just let me know here once you've adopted him. c:

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Also, no rush. I know how frustrating it can be to plot reset.

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Anyway, I'm gonna head off (but my gate will be open)! Once you've picked up Stitches, you can send me the 50 tbt and we can regroup once Nana's amiibo card arrives in a few days.
I'm going to pick him up now! Sorry for the long wait just :p I'll send the tbt asap :)
I have Pietro! Is 25 TBT alright? If you agree I'll get him in boxes for you.