Buying Items needed!

Hi! I have purple pansies I can give to you for free if you'd like! Let me know if you're interested!
I have 4 purple hyacinth, 15 purple windflowers, 5 purple tulips, 8 purple Rose's, 6 purple pansies, and 8 purple mums.
Awh omg yes plz!

How many of each? Im interested!
Okay! I can give you four or five! If you want more, just ask! Let me know when you're free and I'll be happy to deliver them to you! 😊
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I also have a zillion Purple Mums. I'm not sure how many you need with all the offers coming in, but whatever you need I'm positive I have.
PM me!
Hi, I have quite a lot of the hybrids you want, if you're still looking!

These are 1 NMT/20 TBT/200k Bells for every 4 flowers:
x108 Purple Roses
x35 Purple Tulips
x18 Purple Pansies
x17 Purple Mums
x58 Black Tulip
x51 Black Lilies

And these are 1 NMT/20 TBT/200k Bells for every 2 flowers:
x65 Purple Windflowers

I can do split payment methods, if you want to do part NMT, part TBT, part Bells. :3 Let me know!
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Hi! I can bring you 8 purple mums, 2 purple roses, and 2 black tulips! Would love to get some NMTs ^^
I can drop off a dozen purple roses for an assorted dozen of your non black hybrids!