its good to be back! [summer giveaways and shops]


maybe fate had us meet
Jan 26, 2015
Mother's Day Carnation
Tasty Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Cherry (Fruit)

hi guys, im tas!
this isnt my first time on the site -- ive just come back after a pretty long break! ive never even made this post before, actually.
so heres some info on me:
im 14 years old and i was banned from belltree for a super duper long time for having alternate accounts. lots of them. i have no idea what i was doing with my life.

ive obviously learned my lesson and im here to kind of redeem myself to the community (esp. you, ZR388).

anyway to celebrate being able to return in the summertime and with what is newfound maturity im going to be doing fun stuff in my town!

aside from my weekly turnip spike visits, ill have more activities than ever before!

-wrapped present giveaways! youll know these are coming if you see me in the sales section buying up a ton of wrapping paper; basically i wrap rare items like region locked dlc (think: furniture and food items from other countries), gracie furniture (only the gorgeous, princess and sweets stuff because i hate the rest), island furniture (mostly the mermaid set) and 99k bell bags. then i dump those presents in front of the station! first come first serve as always and limit 4 bags per person! there should be a bunch every time, though. i usually prepare for about two weeks for each one of these and the one i did on reddit a while ago seemed to make people happy so why not do one on here?

-island time! i bury royal crowns and crown on my island. all over. you show up, grab a shovel and start digging! i take the first three people that reply for just one session so be sure to reply super quick if u see “royalty island” in the train station section!

-just regular island stuff, anyone can come, we go on tours and i'll buy u stuff with my island medals which have accumulated to like 9000 for the reason that im a total bellpincher.

anyway its so good to be back! i hope i can make a lot of friends on here who love acnl as much as i do!


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Welcome back :)

Those are some really cute event ideas. I hope you're able to preform them and spread some love around the community!
Welcome back :)

Those are some really cute event ideas. I hope you're able to preform them and spread some love around the community!

thank you! i really want to give back to the community -- after i reset my town i was only able to make it so much better because of all the folks on the belltree!

♥ ♥ ♥​