for the past..... 3 or 4 days? i have only been getting 3 or 4 wasps in my town, even tho i shake every tree. i had been getting 5 every day before, and haven't removed any trees since then, only added them. does anyone know what might cause this?
i think it’s normal, just like some days somebody might only get 1 piece of furniture and then the next day, they might get 2. i don’t think 5 wasps per day is guaranteed but is rather the maximum amount that you can get
I was going to say that's odd, but then I saw the other two replies. I have been getting 5 wasps and 2 furniture pieces from shaking trees daily, but I also have a freakishly organized tree layout. All of my hardwood trees are in a little forest area, and I just snake through the rows shaking trees. There are two separate rows of cedar trees I check if I didn't get everything from the forest (What? I like keeping things neat ). Are you potentially mistaking fruit trees for hardwood trees or vice versa maybe? That's the only thing I can think of.
i know in past games it was always the 5 wasps/bees and 2 furniture rule, which i figured would carry over. i have been getting 2 furniture every day, it's just the wasps that have been missing the last few days. which is weird cuz it was 5 for a long time in this game too, it's only recently that i've noticed the change. pretty sure it started happening before the update tho so i wouldn't think it's that. first time it happened i thought maybe i just missed a tree but when it's several days in a row i feel like it can't be that
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unless there's something about having too many trees that would cause problems? isabelle has been saying i have too many trees lol (i'm waiting til i have a more solid terraforming plan before getting rid of any)
I've never received less than 5 wasps since starting. Sometimes I have trouble finding the 5th and it turns out to be in a hidden tree I forgot about. If you can't find the 5th, there may be at least 1 tree you've forgotten about, or you just don't have enough trees planted.
when it happened once i thought maybe missing one was the case but it's several days in a row now that it's happened, and i'm pretty meticulous about how i shake them, especially now that i've been noticing this
i haven't removed any trees since the last time i had 5 wasps, so it should be enough, unless like i said having too many causes an issue somehow
I'm having the same problem, since the acorn/pine cone update. I'm only getting 2 wasps aday, where in the past I always got 5. Anyone else have this issue?
I haven't seen a wasp in ages. I have the maximum (or maybe over maximum) number of trees for Isabelle's specifications and there is no way I have time to shake them all each day. But I can remember when I used to try to shake all the trees and would get 3 or 4 wasps and a piece of furniture. I hardly ever got 2 pieces of furniture or 5 wasps. If I want wasps and furniture and wood, I just burn some NMTs and enjoy seeing Orville and Wilbur.
Maybe if you want more wasps, you could do some feng shui in the house for luck? Or less feng shui if wasps are considered back luck and you want bad luck.
If you have too many flowers or furniture around your trees there's not enough space for the wasp nest to drop. It stays stuck in that tree until you clear space. I know this post is old, but maybe this can help someone else.
The other day I only found one wasp, but I think it's because a lot of my trees are surrounded by flowers. I don't shake those ones because I assume it won't drop the nest, but I suppose I could be wrong about that.
I honestly had no idea there was a specific number that spawned, I thought it was just me being cursed when trying to gather materials and getting three wasp nests in a row when hitting trees
It seems to me like the trees the wasps are in are saved, so if you don't find one of them today, tomorrow it will still be in that same tree you skipped.
For me this means that my wasp nests are now mostly in trees that I never shake, because those are in awkward spots. Are you shaking every single one of them? And I'm not sure if it matters, but are there enough trees with enough room around to drop the nests?