It's Tanabata! Would anyone like to visit? (Closed)

I'd like to visit if that's ok ^^ my FC is to the left, and my name is Toby.
Thanks so much Kilwala for having me over, and offering this up to all of us. It was extremely nice of you to do so! :) Also, thank you to whoever gave me the medicine for my bee stings :p
Everyone should be added now-- let me know if anything is wrong, and sorry for the delay!

Open again~ thanks for your patience~ have fun~! I will probably be afk for a while; I need a little break, but feel free to visit!
Thanks so much Kilwala for having me over, and offering this up to all of us. It was extremely nice of you to do so! :) Also, thank you to whoever gave me the medicine for my bee stings :p
That was me. Hope you grabbed some nice screenshots of the Face Cutouts!
Bah...double post...

I'll edit this to note my internet is being a little flaky...because of this, I recommend not staying in my town long, as if you are disconnected, you'll need to come get the item again. Sorry about that.
Thanks for letting me come over! Much appreciated. ^~^
Hello! I would love to come over if it's still possible.
My friend code is 4055-3606-4615
I would love to see the tanabata festival, I've seen it in T.V. program before so can visit
My friend code is 1177-7361-7577
I would love to be able to go if you still have room/time. My FC is 3496-9486-2241 :)
Thank you very much for your generosity! :) Have a wonderful night.