IT'S THE FINAL! Who's your Favourite of the NL Finalists? WINNER REVEALED!

Yes very lol..there goes my number one. It's up to you Stitches. Lucky, Lolly and Skye must beat that rhino.
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(444 Votes)

You know the Walker/Lucky theory? And how when you subtract the numbers on their shirts you get 44, the egyptian meaning of death? Lucky got 444 votes! Crazy, huh?

Post your thoughts!
I'll be rooting for Lucky and Tia.

Only Tia left now.
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I don't really like anyone else tbh. Merengue is OK, Lolly isn't bad I guess. But I'm not too hot on any of these guys.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Awh man, there goes my number 1. I love the little mummy dog. It's a shame he didn't make it to the Top 5, but at least he got this far.

I guess the only thing I can hope for now is that Molly doesn't win.
I wish Lucky was higher as he's adorable with a unique design but I'm glad he placed in the Top 10.
All of the ones near the bottom are actually ones that were on the bottom of my list lmao, except Coco was dead last for me but I think she's popular.
I guess I'm rooting for Lolly since 1. She is my highest vote that hasn't been eliminated and 2. She is a cat
Phew..I will give it to her, she's got some strong popularity..she was in my bottom 3 and clearly..I'm in the minority.
I like Merengue. The overall concept may be a bit silly, but I appreciate her uniqueness. Wish she went a bit farther than this, as the few remaining are some pretty bland ones.
(474 Votes)

She was in the lead for a bit but then dropped....a lot.

Post your thoughts!
I'm rooting for Skye hnnn <333 she's such a cutie
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