Buying Jack collectible || tbt and FR 💀

💀 Moon Ball for my son Blooky the (shiny) Mimikyu, who is forever stuck in Pokemon Sun. Fly high Blookster. 🕊
💀 Also offering 50 tbt on the date trade of a White Fragment. Would really love to see my friend's lineup in the perfect order.
💀 Nghh, think I'm still in a human art block. Never happy with how I've been drawing human lately. 😔
Here's a Felicity sketch though:
Checked the date on my White Fragment and I think mine's literally one min too early oof. Feel free to double check it in my inventory though I'm not great at timezones sometimes. Haha.
Checked the date on my White Fragment and I think mine's literally one min too early oof. Feel free to double check it in my inventory though I'm not great at timezones sometimes. Haha.

It is a minute too early unfortunately. Thank you for checking though, it's appreciated! 😄