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Jami's Christmas Benchmark Contests


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2008
Throwback Tickets
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Silver Mailbox
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IntroductionHello, and welcome to my first of hopefully many Christmas Benchmark Contests! Christmas will be coming fast with Thanksgiving already here, and if you're like me, you get pretty eager. What better way to spend some time than participating in fun contests! So every week, you can participate in a contest here to get in the spirit of Christmas! Beings as this in in the museum, all contests will be art related (litarature and drawing).
To sign up...
Post in the thread saying that you're in or something like that. To submit your entry, send me a PM, please. You can also post in the thread if you wish, but only PMs will count.
This week's contest!!
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">The Rewrite 'Twas the Night Before Christmas Contest. Just take everybody's favorite poem and change the words around a bit. Keep it rhyming please, and there's no specifics on length. Good luck to you all, and remember. This is the final week of the contest. Do your best! Remember, there's going to be a huge prize this week!!</div>
PrizesThere will be two categories for prizes from two different sources. The prizes will be....
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Team Fortress 2
1st place: Paint
2nd place: Scrap metal
3rd place: Poly weapon
1st place: 100,000 bells
2nd place: 50,000 bells
3rd place: 10,000 bells</div>Each place picks their appropriate prize... For instance
Carlos gets first place, picks a paint
Joe gets second place, picks a Polycount Weapon
If Bill would get third place, he would have to take the third place prize from any catagory... He couldn't take the best available, like 100,000 bells.
There will be three judges for this contest. They are myself, Andy, and Adam (aka: K.K. Slider). The entries will be split three ways and each judge will pick their top three from their category. Then, we will all get together and pick our top three overall.
ScheduleEvery week from now to Christmas, we will follow the following schedule:
Saturday- Next contest is announced
Saturday to Sunday- Sign-ups (no late sign-ups, no entries if you don't sign up)
Thursday- All entries due (by midnight Central time)
Friday- Winners will be revealed
DonationsCurrently, all prizes are coming out of my pockets. Since it is the season for giving, after all, donations to help improve prizes are greatly appreciated. The last week, I'm hoping to double the prizes if I can get people to help me out with donations. Send a PM if you want to help out!Winners<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Draw Santa Contest:
1. Jack<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
2. Nook<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Letters to Santa Contest
1. Psychonaut <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">how have you been?
i hope that this letter finds you well, as i'm sure that it gets cold up there. I hope that the reindeer are well-fed, and aren't slaving away so much this year.

I can't say that i want a whole lot this year, but i do have a few desires for gifts. For starters, i want to have a description tag in tf2. I want it so that i can describe one of my items.. I'm not entirely sure what i'll say about them, but I know that i want one.
I know I've been lucky and already have a few name tags, but what i really would like is one of those.

I would also like the tenth anniversary box set of home movies, since it comes with an additional item or two, and i don't have season 3. i know that i already have the others, but i might just keep it for collection's sake.

as for games, i don't really want anything much, since nothing will be out at the time. money would be nice, if there's any to spare, but i think that that's a little bit greedy, so i'll just ask for Grand Theft Auto IV on the PC. if you could work that out with valve to let me have it through steam, i would love that! gabe is my hero, so i hope that he could gift it to me and write a nice note on there. that would be so cool!

I know I haven't been the most deserving kid out there, and i know that you have a lot of people to take care of tonight, but those are the things that i would like best. if you need, i can help you get from place to place quickly by using my sticky jumper (I got it in the new TF2 store! it's really cool!) and you know that you're always welcome to join a server, and i'll be your own personal medic

hope to hear from you soon, mr. claus!
best wishes,
2. Strikingmatches(Pally) <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Hey Ol' Nick,

How've ya been? It's me your old pal Benny. I used to write to you when I was like, what? 6? Anyways, I'm 12 now. Yep. I know you're probably too busy to read this letter since it's that holiday time you know? You've probably gotta hitch up the old sleigh. Understandable, understandable. You're probably thinking that 'Aren't you too old to believe in Santa?' Damn right, I am too old. But hey, look. A couple of the younger kids were talking about what they really wanted for Christmas and how they're going to send you this long list and for sure they'd recieve it, since they were nice all year long. And that's when it clicked. The only reason I ain't never gotten any presents, and I mean real presents not like how 2 years ago Ma gave me socks, is because you think I'm.. what where those kids singing.. Oh yeah, naughty. You think I'm some old bad kid who aint got no rights to any presents, uh huh that's it. Well let me tell you something ol' Nicky. I might steal, fight, and cut class an' all that. But it's 'cause I got too, you know? Like just the other day, Ma put me in charge of Shelly. And lately, a couple of kids have been pickin' on her. Now I don't know, if you know this, but Shelly's 7! My poor 7 year old defenseless sister is gettin picked on! So of course I gotta go rough up those kids. But then they told the school that they did nothin' and that I started it all. They got me a one week suspension. Filthy liars. Well, I guess it's for the good you know? I got more time to panhandle down town now. Ma's sayin' we're gonna need to go to the shelter soon, since we can't make the rent this month. I mean, it's the least I can do right? Those damn landlords though. Can't they just wait next month? I'd rough them up, if I could too. They have this big dog ready to eat me whole, ifI get even spittin' distance near their house. They think I was tryin' to break into their house when I was on their lawn. They even took the chocolate bar I had in my hand for Shelly! They said I stole it from them when I was breakin' in. Sure.. I stole it from the store down the street. But Shelly was hungry, and I thought she deserved a little surprise. But I ain't stole nothin' from them! Anyways, I hope you can see I'm not THAT bad, Nicky. Come on. All I ask for is just one little present. Even if it's something I'd have to share with Shelly. Heck, I won't mind.

Benny Parker</div>
3. Marcus <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Christmas Cookie Decorating Contest:
1. Aaron <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
2. Razputin <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
'Twas the Night Before Christmas Remake Contest:
1. Jack <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Twas the night before Hatmas, when all through the fort
Not a class was stirring, there was nothing to report.
The stockings were hung by the intel with care,
In hopes that St Robin soon would be there.

The classes were waiting all snug in the spawn,
While visions of shakos and panamas appeared as they dreamt on.
And the spy in his fedora, and the pyro in its cap,
Had just settled their brains for a long winter's nap.

When out on the bridge there arose such a clatter,
The spy sprang from the spawn to see what was the matter.
Away to the battlements he flew like a scout,
To see what the big fuss was all about.

The moon glowing brightly up in the sky
Showed nothing outside of the forts but the spy.
When, what to the spy's wondering eyes should spring
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny ... things.

With a little old soldier, yellin' and hollerin'
He knew in a moment it must be St Robin.
More rapid than screaming eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Reddy! now, Bidwell! now, Emily and Redmonn!
On, Silas! On, Blutarch! on, on Charles and Saxton!
To the top of the battlements! To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As the spy dashed down the stairs to the intel room,
A crash resounded across the fort, followed by a loud boom.
A crocket had brought down the thing in the sky that flew,
With the sleigh full of hats, and St Robin too.

And then, in a moment, the spy heard by the hayroom
The yelling and guffawing of what could be his doom.
As the spy drew out his Dead Ringer, and was turning around,
Down the stairs St Robin came with a bound.

He was dressed all in hats, placed everywhere he could,
And his hats were all tarnished with blood.
A bundle of hats he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His hats-how they sparkled! His earbuds how merry!
His unusuals were flaming, his masks looking so scary!
His Secret Saxton was drawn up in a bow,
And the Festive Winter Crates were covered in snow.

The stump of a banhammer he held tight in his fist,
And aura it created shrouded him in a mist.
He had a huge rocket launcher and a pickaxe in hand,
And he shook them about as he went to do what he'd planned!

He was scowling and yelling, a right old veteran,
And the spy saluted when he saw him, in respect to him!
A wink of his eye and a shot of his gun,
Soon gave the spy to know he had no reason to run.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the stairs he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like an outgoing missile.
But the spy heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Hatmas to all, and to all a good fight!"</div>
Questions comments or concerns?Feel free to ask any questions via PM or on the thread! Thanks for taking the time to read, and I wish you all the best of luck in the upcoming contests!!
The TBT bell system works? *Goes to check*. If yes or no, then i can't wait. You always have the greatest ideas Jami. :p
Thanks man. And if the bell system doesn't work, I'll come up with something else 8D
The bell system is still down.
Jeremy said it wouldn't be up until we move to the new forum.
Marcus said:
Nintendo Points, if you would be willing to do that.
Why would he give out nintendo points. ._.
It costs real money.

Pokemon? =D
sakura said:
Marcus said:
Nintendo Points, if you would be willing to do that.
Why would he give out nintendo points. ._.
It costs real money.

Pokemon? =D
Perhaps if my WiFi worked, but that may be where donations come in. Good suggestion!
Also, fixed something in the first post.... To sign up, I want you to post in this thread (starting tomorrow) I want the entries PMed to me.
The first contest is up! It's the draw Santa Claus contest! For more specifics, read the first spoiler on the first post! Good luck, and you have until Monday to sign up.
@Dillon: Hm, I'd prefer one update per person as both categories (drawn and computer designed) are intertwined.
@Josh: Sure, it can be drawn or computer generated, as I said.