Day 150. So wow. Nine days later, here we are... The final day of vacation! I can't believe we made it! And think of all we did! Jam packed few days. Well, today was just another day of driving... Except more boring than yesterday. I actually SLEPT a bit... I never sleep in a moving vehicle! Even on the DC trip. Although it was little naps, like 20 minutes, wake up, repeat, but still. I felt refreshed lol. So minus a few stops, today was pretty boring. My bro and I played a buncha Dragon Quest 9 which was fun... And... Yeah haha. Not much else to say. We got home at 10:00 ish and man it felt awesome. Everything was just like we left it, so yay We didn't get robbed :3 Anyway, tomorrow's gonna be a big day... Gaming wise :3 inFamous 2 came in the mail, so gonna play a bunch of that... Then, I'm updating my 3DS and checking the shop... And Xbox Fun Labs... Oh man, this will be aweshum! I guess I'll talk to you guys about it then. Thanks for following me, and, once again, stay tuned for more regular blogs coming tomorrow. Goodbye, and SEEYA